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Woman's body found off Kalapana
Yes i agree,time does reveal things. By what ive been reading on this thread for the past few weeks, some things have been said and in my opinion not very nice indeed if you read between the lines.
On page 40 of this thread I pretty much nailed it in my first theory. The only unknown now is, "Was the unborn child Bo's" and I'm sure that's in Brit's autopsy report as well. You have to ask yourself, why would a seemingly "normal" young man just "lose it" and kill his girlfriend? I think Bo thought he got away with dumping the body and when he got the cell phone call the next day the "oh crap" buzzer went off in his mind and he knew it would come back to him. It's very hard investing everything you have into a person and one day you find out it was all a lie. In order for there to be a cover up or a conspiracy, there has to be very few people involved or very wealthy people involved. What would the Police have to gain by stringing this kid up? Why would the Police even care about these two kids? The third party lab was an excellent move. That removes any doubt that this is an inside job that's being covered up. Why would that lab stake it's reputation on this one case and join a conspiracy? There was little if anything left of that body after being left outside for 7 months. I don't care how close it was to the ocean. The flies would be all over it in hours, not months or days or weeks. That kid did it and I think I know why. Everyone has some monster in them, it's just a matter of what will make that monster come out.
I do not believe something merely because someone says it is so. Especially with something of this magnitude. Everything is just way too fishy here for me to just say okay, case closed. Bo is my brother, and I love him, which is why I am much more adamant on his being innocent until proven guilty. I wish I treated everyone like that. Nothing has yet been proven here. Only statements made. Poorly. By someone who got confused over details that are not confusing, and was nervous as hell. I still need proof beyond a reasonable doubt, and all I get are more questions.
the allegation that the child may not have been his, is the very first theory I heard of, just after Brittany was found. So perhaps it is where the truth lies. But, yes, there are still many unanswered questions and it is too soon to close this terrible case, in my humble opinion.
Perhaps closure will never be achieved. Closure can take a very long time. Those on this forum that are not ready to accept the evidence presented are not ready for closure, they need to talk through this still, try to find reason, try to find answers to questions that the answers given are not yet sufficient to create closure.

Terracore, I understand you wanting to end this topic that you started, but I agree that you should feel good that you did open doors through this topic for the families to interact with Puna and try to find answers.

Bo's family is still looking for answers, answers that make sense to them. We have all supported Brittney's family and offered condolence and opinions. There is no reason we should not do the same for Bo's family.

Many of us who have visited Hawaii or dreamed of Hawaii and view it as Paradise, this story is a grimm reminder and reality that many of you Punatics already know - Hawaii is NOT paradise, it is the same as any other place in this world, a place where you can find happiness or you can find sorrow. Life is what we make it.

RIP Brittney, Baby, and Bo.
The press conference seemed fishy to me. There are still too many unanswered questions. No remorse shown in the handwritten note? Really? A little impersonal if you ask me. That doesn't seem right. And how exactly did he hang himself? If he stood on something and kicked it out, there would be evidence ofthat. If he jumped out of the tree, there would also be evident fractures and a broken neck. Obviously hpd is not telling us everything.
when he was specifically asked how bio hung himself it's laughable how he answered..

It's not laughable at all. The Asst. Chief wasn't there when Bo hung himself, how should he know "specifically how..." Bo did anything?

As for the contents of the indictment, I'm quite sure that the pertinent facts of the matter were outlined by HPD in the press release, and they are the phone calls made after the discovery of Royal's body; the blood spattered clothing hanging on clotheslines around the camp site.

Another concern is the question about an alleged "empty bottle" of booze and if such was actually found at the camp site by HPD.
A young man who doesn't drink often could have blacked out as a result of intoxication and done things completely out of character, but this is merely speculation.

My sincere condolences to both families.

"Life is labor, and all that is good in life comes from that labor..."
"Life is labor, and all that is good in life comes from that labor..."
Originally posted by Delta9r

[quote] when he was specifically asked how bio hung himself it's laughable how he answered..

It's not laughable at all. The Asst. Chief wasn't there when Bo hung himself, how should he know "specifically how..." Bo did anything?

If he do hang himself he had two options; Stand on something and kick it away; or climb the tree and jump. In both situations there would be evidence to tell how he did it. It seems suspicious that the asst. Chief would not be able to answer how boaz did it.
Death by hanging does not necessarily mean that vertebrae will be broken since a given body weight must fall a certain distance in order to ensure a quick and painless death.

We don't know how high up in the tree the body was found. We don't even know if the body was completely suspended or partially so.

"Life is labor, and all that is good in life comes from that labor..."
"Life is labor, and all that is good in life comes from that labor..."
If he blacked out, how did he describe what happened? If it was strangulation, what is the theory on the blood? No emotion, rationalization or justification on Bo's part in the note struck me as very odd as well, oceangirl. It's what made me think the whole thing was fishy to begin with. Perhaps that's just one police man's opinion, that none of that was present in the note.

Odd that Bo would go back to the place where he was "Most Wanted #1" to kill himself, if indeed he had left the scene for an extended period of time... and with the same rope? Was he carrying it around with him the whole time? Could be, just seems odd. Where is the thousands of $$ deposit for the land? Did that go back to the family if it was electronic or is it just gone? When did he die, a couple days after Brittany, or did he rent the room for a month?

The more answers they give, the more questions come up. They could just address the questions... Sure there will be some that are never satisfied, but why give these dangling pieces of information that make people's mind's spin out, and then nothing to fill in the holes the details leave? I guess I'm just not seeing the logic in what has been 'okayed' to release and what has not been. It's okay to release all kinds of personal info and all kinds of details about the case, but it's not okay to release the details that set the evidence in proper light for the public? And okay for some of the public, just not all. Just bizarre. Hopefully a more complete press conference will be given, one with Q & A.

Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973

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