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Woman's body found off Kalapana
Punatickz thank you AGAIN! For understanding where the Johnson's side is coming from. ( to anybody taking offense) I'm just glad someone understands me.
I agree with deagle50ae,punutickz needs to take a couple deep breaths and relax.
@Punatickz Even though I am 94 posts behind you, it would seem that we both have similar reasons as concerned and inquisitive members of our island community. From what I see, this tragic incident has attracted quite a few people like ourselves that have investigative minds, and several like yourself that have only commented on posts surrounding this case. I see no harm in questioning another poster as long as it brings possible relevant information to the body of public evidence and considering the vitriol of past commenter posts here, I do not feel out of bounds. Thank you.

@punatickz I remember what I was editing was in the first sentence, that I had originally thought we were both "newbie" punaweb status wise, but when I that you were not, it went back and deleted it. That's Occam's Razor for you in action, in this case the truth can be quite dumb. Being that this is some what of an anonymous forum, users that do reveal themselves and do so by choice, so there is really no way for me to convince you if myself and Damien007 are what you are claiming. Do the mods have ability the see email addresses or IP? Maybe they could clear up this theory of yours.
Not to mention his own "Recklessly misquoting or mistranslating" on the "cab" vs. "back of truck issue".

Sometimes it's best to admit an error and "go to bed"! I am!
Damien007, would you mind explaining to the forum how you were able to not only read MiloliiSects comment, but also readily be able to reply it, within 38 seconds? Could you also explain why MiloliiSect edited their comment in less than one minute after your reply? I don't mean to speculate too much, but is this just an odd coincidence or what?

Also, does this have anything to do with the fact that both accounts are created very recently, both having exactly 6 posts each?

I'm simply asking because both accounts have been used today to support either the same opinions of the other username, and/or protagonize the exact same people. I could be wrong, and I sincerely hope I am, but the correlation of both accounts and the precise timing of their replies seem a bit uncanny to me.

I do apologize for getting the front cab vs. back cab detail wrong. The point of that example was that the guy was found in his own truck, strangled, and his death has since been casually ruled as a suicide. Hanging yourself in the back of your truck makes no more sense than hanging yourself anywhere in your vehicle, period. People don't hang themselves in a vehicle, unless someone on this forum can reference to ANY news article on earth involving someone hanging themselves in their own vehicle. It is simply not a method of suicide, at all.

The Elliott case was ONLY used an example of a "suicide" that many locals predict will be ruled a homicide in the future, much like the Dawn Gambsky case. There are other cases I could use an example, but let's try to steer this back to Boaz Johnson and Brittany Royal, for the sake of relevancy at least.
Here you go:
"A Bulgarian driver has hanged himself in his truck..."

I don't see what this has to do with this case. It was open-and-shut almost from the start, and that was even without knowing what the police knew - that there was DNA evidence and that Bo had lied on the phone.

Of course Bo's family and friends find it hard to accept. I would be the same way. But as for everyone else, just let them rest in peace.
Bulgaria? I asked for one link on Earth, and the one link you found was from a dark corner of Earth that is notoriously infamous with the highest rates of government/police corruption?

For starters, Bulgarian police (however notoriously corrupt), publically state that homicide has not been ruled out in this case, leaving it an open case to further investigation. Based on that, you haven't actually provided a link to a confirmed suicide, much less one that was performed in a small vehicle.

Also, Paul, in case we are still arguing about a short-drop hanging, your link is in reference to a large commercial semi-trailor, which has plenty of space compared to a small truck or car. Short-drop hangings are very difficult to perform correctly, much less being performed in the confined space of a small consumer vehicle. The vehicle in your link is about 4-5 times the cubic space of a typical vehicle, so the link is also irrelevant from that standpoint as well.

I don't even want to imagine how long it took you to find a link to a news article involving the possible "suicide" of a truck driver that happened in a country that has a police force comparable to Slovakia or Guatemala.

Thanks for the amazing link Paul. Could we actually get back to how Boaz Johnson hung himself, and speculate on why "from a tree" is not a sufficient answer?
"unless someone on this forum can reference to ANY news article on earth"

Why put ANY in caps if you don't mean ANY? You are a very silly person.
This has nothing to do with this case, so how about you just drop it.
Exactly Paul! We were talking about the actual case, and I merely used a recent case in as an example a controversial suicide. This is when you sidetracked the topic by saying that Boaz Johnson short-dropped himself, which was just as ludicrous as claiming Steven Elliot hung himself inside his own vehicle.

The initial discussion involves members of Puna being dissatisfied with the police response to how Boaz Johnson was hung in a tree. It's a very fair and pertinent question involving a suicide. Instead of replying to that specific speculation, you took us on a freakin trip to Bulgaria in which a notoriously corrupt police force couldn't even conclude if the victim was murdered or not.

Welcome back to Puna, Paul! We are here speculating on the death of Boaz Johnson and the specific forensic results of how he hung himself! Care to join us?
@punatickz If you go back to post page 68 you will see 13th comment down right below yours he responded within 10 seconds of your comment. Either Damien007 has a superhuman ability or that he simply reads faster and types faster than the average punaweb user. Good eye on details on your part for those infinitesimal observations.

I went back to that page, and the reply was 10 minutes apart, not 10 seconds. 10 minutes inbetween replies is not suspicious at all, and totally understandable. The reply between you and Damien007 was 30+ seconds, barely enough time to read the full comment and properly respond.

I simply question the validity of one new account directly replying another new account within 37 second window of timing. On most Internet forums, users would generally think someone is using a dual account, or that it's members of the same house organizing their comments for quick submission. I could be wrong, but it's extremely suspicious and it wouldn't be the first time it's happened .


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