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When, not If lava crosses 130...
could really smell the forest burning today
Looking out the back window seeing the lava coming... Yelling at the Lava "But this is LAVA ZONE 2!!!" You're not suppose to be here! Go back to Lava Zone 1!!! Smile
Originally posted by ericlp

Looking out the back window seeing the lava coming... Yelling at the Lava "But this is LAVA ZONE 2!!!" You're not suppose to be here! Go back to Lava Zone 1!!! Smile

Can't remember where I read this but..the sky is falling!..oh yeah it was on this forum.
Does anyone really think that now that we have built homes here, Pele will halt? Much of Puna is on a flow that is only 4-600 years old. And the County should do exactly what to stop this? Really. We all have temporary lease-holds.
Repaving of the Chain of Craters road is not the solution to our lower Puna cul-de-sac. It has been covered by lava time and again since the new highway, opened in 1979, was first breached by lava on Nov. 26, 1986. So that lasted all of 6 and a half years.

When I moved into Puna in 1979, potential Puna propery owners were told an alternate route to Hilo was to be built and that HPP even had designated such roads in that subdivision. But then so many newcomers moved in and started going to the Traffic Advisory hearings, complaining about not wanting an alternate route in their backyards. And the state DOT took the alternate makai route off their priority list. That was in the 1980s. We're now truly suffering the consequences of that.
Oh, and BTW, Nanawale Est. includes both Lava 1 and Lava 2 zones, depending on exactly where in the subdivision the property is located.
#96 Latest Map 2/7/14

Looks like it might be slowing down a bit.
Hope so. Feel free to do something spectacular within the National Park.
Leilani Estates, 2011 to Present
The lava has to go somewhere. Is the ocean entry starting up again? That'd be the only thing that would make me think this forest route is done.
There's a network of Large old lava tubes that run right under and through Orchid Land & HPP. These tubes are flat as a paved road and large enough to drive a truck through at some points. I'm waiting for this new flow to find one of the many openings to one of these lava tubes and run right under the Subdivisions of Ainaloa, HPP, Orchid Land and Pahoa. The old tubes have had cave ins which would create obstacles to the flow which would make it rather interesting as well. All of the tubes under 130 have been collapsed and filled, so look for the break out right along the road frontage. So when looking at that forest flow and thinking it's stopped, it might have just found a drain. If the flow does make it into one of these tubes I hope it's the one I know of by my place, I'll have Lava tours and make a nice little sum of cash from my front porch and all my tours will come with a six pack of Natural Lite for your viewing enjoyment.
1.) @pahoated: Those fissures are older than I am. (50 + years) What scientific evidence supports your claim of "the lava tube running under Pu'u 'O'o to Kapoho?"
Those fissures are part of Kilauea's East Rift Zone. Those cracks have been shown on maps that are as old as aviation.
Those things you refer to as "steam vents" are obviously clouds as indicated by the shadows they cast upon the forest canopy below.

2.) Rene: What proof do you have that "all of the lava tubes under 130" have collapsed and have been filled in?
I know for a fact that not only Kazumura Cave, but also the John Martin Cave System, runs from (at least) Hawaiian Acres, pass under Kea'au Pahoa road, and have exits in Hawaiian Paradise Park.
A friend of mine. Mike Shambaugh, was one of the people who were instrumental in the mapping of lava tube systems in the Puna area. He's got a photo album showing many of the notable features in these lava tubes.
Certainly there were some tubes destroyed by the contruction of Highway 130, but not all of the tubes under the roadway have been filled in.

Another friend of mine, the late great John Martin, was one of the early cavers, and he even has a lava tube system named after him due to the presence of an entry to a vast lava tube system in his back yard.
(map showing Kazumura cave passing under Highway 130)
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