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Woman's body found off Kalapana
Hi hikatz (enjoy your posts too) and thanks kohaladiver. [Smile]

Paul, we know that domestic incident murder is real. Still, as the mother of two sons, if someone were to quote that statistic and say it means that MY son killed his girlfriend, I would not believe it was true simply because of a statistic. I would only believe it if I were given definite acceptable evidentiary proof that explained every piece of what happened. Why? Because I know who my sons are, and I know that only a psychotic break or something could snap them like that.

I can tell the Johnson family believes in their son the same way, and they would need more than this to make them believe it.

I have offered empathy and sorrow to the Royal family many times over the last months, just not on this site. On Facebook mostly. I feel intensely for them. I do know that they have had to endure seeing sights that are unbearable, have had to talk about and ponder terrible grisly details, which are not forgotten and never will be. As they have said -- next to that experience, a little online talk is nothing.

I have followed their posts on Brittany, and I think it is clear that if indeed Bo were framed, she would want people to ask questions and not to accept what was stated unless it rang true. She would want the truth to be told. The questions being asked right now about the case are reasonable questions about the evidence and procedure and pieces that donÔt make sense. If further evidence is released that is not questionable, I will accept it. But so far that has not happened.

That domestic violence escalating into murder is common cuts both ways. For that reason, it is a very believable way to turn the police if you are framing up a murder suicide. Because it is common, it will not raise red flags of doubt.

It is not a weird world of fiction to speak of murder disguised as suicide. Murder that is made to look like an accident or suicide or medical condition is as old as the hills, not far-fetched at all. Hanging is right up there with overdose or a gun placed in the hand as a popular way to fake suicide.

There are discussions online of how to differentiate strangling from hanging, but those types of forensics would most likely disappear with decomposition. Besides, hanging can be the actual manner of death. Signs of coercion are also likely to disappear.

Honestly, I would have more faith in the report if the officer had said the body had been there too long to make a determination other than the fact he was hanging. But instead he made definite statements on manner of death and that no one else was involved, and I donÔt see how that is definite after seven months without witnesses or video footage.
kohaladiver, there is a post from this week on BIC from an old friend of EdÔs who has not heard from him and is looking for him.

There is a comment online from the Tribune Herald story last summer, where someone who knows Ed relayed what he understood from Ed. It is secondhand, but Ed posted, IIRC, that he felt he should not say anything more. Before he posted that, though, his story had been repeated.

"On the day of recovery of the body, Bo's friend made a call to his good friend Bo on the morning the body was found. He made the call to check on his friend because of all the commotion on Bo's property near the coast of Kalapana. Not knowing the body was of his friends girlfriend. He made the call at 8am. To the answer, it was Bo Johnson on the other side of the line. He asked Bo"what's going on" and what the report said Bo replied with "I'm ok. Me and Brittany are in Hilo and we will be back in the afternoon."

In this version, he tells Bo about a body being found (what the report said) BEFORE Bo says they are are OK. My question is, why would someone who is trying to cover up a murder say anything like that when hearing a body has been found.

Even though Ed doesnÔt know the identity, Bo if guilty would know she was found. He would know that saying he is with her alive would come back to bite him. Better by far to say he does not know where she is, or even to say she is missing and he is concerned. Anything but oh she is fine and with me, when obviously that is going to be seen as a lie in fairly short order.

If Ed called him and asked about Brittany first, before saying why he was asking, then Bo could have slipped and said this, but it still makes no sense in light of what police say now -- that Bo never left the close vicinity of the crime scene. Therefore he would also have seen all the helicopters and commotion, and a guilty Bo would have figured out what it was about. So again, "we are on our way to Hilo" would not be a sensible cover-up.

Anyhow, all the police really know about the phone call is that Ed said this was the conversation. There is no actual proof that is true. There is only a record that a phone call was made and picked up, and how long it lasted, and which cell tower was pinged. Anything more rests on EdÔs credibility, and Ed has left the area.

The comment further says:
Not knowing the body was of Brittany he just carried on. Later that day he found out that it was Brittany, he immediately went to the cops and made the report to the police officers."

Ed did not go to the police later that day, May 28th. He went to them at 8:30 AM on the 30th, the day Boaz his thought to have hanged himself. There was no official ID of Brittany at that time. The ID came in at 2 oÔclock that afternoon.

It is possible he had heard about her tattoo and he thought he knew, but it was not official yet.

Perhaps he had gone to them on the 28th, but his name does not appear on any papers until the morning that he took the detectives to the campsite. Perhaps whoever made that comment didnÔt get the story straight. I hope that EdÔs actual narrative is in the Grand Jury transcript.
@ Hawaii Corruption

You asked me how our family was informed about the body of our brother/son.

To answer your question I had to ask my mother. My mother and father received the phone calls about Boaz. I will relay her reply.

Your dad got a call from a Hawaii Tribune Herald reporter at 5PM, January 3, 2014, that a body was found. Later we found out Bo was found on Thursday, January 2, 2014. Was the suicide/confession note also found on Thursday, January 2, 2014? If the note was found on Thursday, January 2, 2014, why did the police wait till January 21, 2014, 2 weeks and 5 days later to inform us it was Bo? Looks to me like they took 19 days to get their ducks in a row. Your dad had 13 calls with Lt. Esteban between January 3, 2014 and Jan 20, 2014. Including missed calls and messages. Lt. Esteban would not answer whether or not the body found was Bo.

They made us wait 2 weeks and 5 days before letting us know the body was Bo.

The police had the body, they had the letter and not one cop had the courtesy to call us. The HPD let a reporter make the call for them.

All you people seem to be speculating that Bo's death was someting other than what it seems. No one will come out and say it, but the feeling I get is that you feel someone murdered Brittney, and then framed and murdered Bo. Who would do this? Why?

Other than your speculation, theories, and "red flags", is there one single piece of evidence to support these allegations?

My questions are; if Britney was strangled, and bo committed suicide, then who's blood was found at the campsite? Surely the police would have done a DNA test; Who was staying in the other tent?; Where is the only person known to speak to bo after the body was found? Why did bo claim to be with Brittany the day the body was found? Thank you Kathy, your research is compelling, but still only raises many more questions. I don't feel justice has been served.....
If HPD is so sure that Bo murdered Brittany, they need to release more details and evidence of it....
Its entertaining to watch certain forum members REPEATEDLY try to stop, distract, censor, or shut down this topic. When none of these attempts work, they simply resort to antagonizing the commenters in hopes we will lose our courage or motivation to continue investigating evidence and court documentation. Notice that when they offer a differing opinion, it's often behind the veil of criticizing particular users, name-calling, requests to "shut up", condescending remarks towards character, etc. They have proven that their sole reason of coming to this topic isn't to merely share their opinion, but to discourage and discontinue ANY discussion involving the possible murder of Boaz Johnson.

I think it's fitting to end my comment with the wise words of another user (Adam I Am)

When people are telling you to shut up and stop asking questions, that's the time that you really start asking questions.

By the way, this is NOT over. Journalists on this island are now raising their own doubts, as well as many more members of the community:
Originally posted by anony_mouse

Its entertaining to watch certain forum members REPEATEDLY try to stop, distract, censor, or shut down this topic. When none of these attempts work, they simply resort to antagonizing the commenters in hopes we will lose our courage or motivation to continue investigating evidence and court documentation. Notice that when they offer a differing opinion, it's often behind the veil of criticizing particular users, name-calling, requests to "shut up", condescending remarks towards character, etc. They have proven that their sole reason of coming to this topic isn't to merely share their opinion, but to discourage and discontinue ANY discussion involving the possible murder of Boaz Johnson.

I think it's fitting to end my comment with the wise words of another user (Adam I Am)

When people are telling you to shut up and stop asking questions, that's the time that you really start asking questions.

I completely agree with Adam as well. If they are positive that he did it, they need to present the proof. They didn't seem too confident during the press conference, they seemed to be confused, nervous, and unorganized. If in fact Bo did murder Brittany, and they have some hard evidence, then there is no reason to keep the case open, right? WE WANT THE TRUTH!
Originally posted by anony_mouse

Its entertaining to watch certain forum members REPEATEDLY try to stop, distract, censor, or shut down this topic. When none of these attempts work, they simply resort to antagonizing the commenters in hopes we will lose our courage or motivation to continue investigating evidence and court documentation. Notice that when they offer a differing opinion, it's often behind the veil of criticizing particular users, name-calling, requests to "shut up", condescending remarks towards character, etc. They have proven that their sole reason of coming to this topic isn't to merely share their opinion, but to discourage and discontinue ANY discussion involving the possible murder of Boaz Johnson.

I think it's fitting to end my comment with the wise words of another user (Adam I Am)

When people are telling you to shut up and stop asking questions, that's the time that you really start asking questions.

I tend to agree with this. As moderator I get concerned when a poster seems to take a position that only their opinion matters or is correct. There is room for lots of opinions here and all should receive a measure of common respect. My job is to keep the community dialogue a community dialogue and not just a soapbox for the loudest voices.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

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