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Senate committee passes GMO bill in 3-0 vote
Case in point(s) RIP Internet
Tomatoes were considered poisonous at one time. Took a while, and some genetic mutations, for that to change.

In part:

"On September 26th, 1830, Colonel Robert Gibbon Johnson stood on the steps of the courthouse in Salem, Massachusetts with a basket of potentially toxic fruit. Despite warnings that its poison would turn his blood to acid, he told several hundred cheering spectators that he planned to eat the entire basket - and survive.

"The foolish Colonel will foam and froth at the mouth," his own doctor shouted, "and double over with appendicitis. All that oxalic acid - one dose and he is dead. He might even be exposing himself to brain fever. Should he by some unlikely chance survive his skin will stick to his stomach and cause cancer."

Johnson, wearing black, ate the entire basket and indeed survived. The source of this story was an old farm journal, and may be less than reliable. If it is true, he was lucky those fruit were Tomatoes which as the evidence shows are Evil."
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
There is going to be a lot of political chatter about this anti-GMO righteousness for the next several months. When this issue all of a sudden popped up, the mystery was "Why now?". The reason is being gradually revealed, as usual, money. Don't forget, we were in 8 years of recession because people were manipulated into believing subprime loans packaged in pretty wrapping made them more valuable than gold.

FDA certified organic farming is a $56 billion industry in the US (mainly on the mainland, appropriately). These are not gardeners collecting their surplus crop for the farmers market. These are corporate organic farms, mostly formed with the acquisition of failed small farms (notice who benefits from failed small farms). This whole anti-GMO movement is being heavily funded by a large consortium of corporate organic farms accompanied with social media armies and more than a little grease for politicians. This isn't to say food from organic farming is bad, but the political influence is corrupt. This consortium of corporate organic farm associations see this time to manipulate people to grow their market.
The big sellout — Majority of organic companies owned by mega corporations

"This island Hawaii on this island Earth"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
Strange political currents here. There's been evidence that the anti-GMO forces in Hawai'i have been funded by large "organic" corporations from the mainland:

But now, in an interesting turn, there seems to be a marshaling of right wing political forces against the large organic mega-corporations and their funding of anti-GMO campaigns. The link cited by pahoated is to a web site produced by Alex Jones, pretty much the frothing-at-the-mouth right winger as you can get, in the Breitbart mold.

But I also recently received an unsolicited email from the Hawaii Free Press, apparently a publication for the vestige right wing in Hawai'i. The email had links to their various articles, many featuring the usual frothy load of tea party-style scary Obama stories. But also there were several articles decrying the anti-GMO movement and its funding by the large corporations that have taken over many of the original small organic food and products companies, much like the Alex Jones site's article.

In typical right wing ideology corporations can do no wrong and regulations are anathema. So is regulating GMO labeling provoking their attitude? Hard to believe they are on the side of science after all their climate change denial.
I'm just beginning to recover from Norovirus (Doctor suspected) and have missed all the wonderful input the past few days... I'd recommend being careful in public, doctor says a sizable outbreak of what ever this is now sweeping the island.

It's real simple. I as do many Americans want GMO labels on food products that contain GM foods. We want to know that we can walk into the grocery store and for the most part avoid purchasing and consuming GM food products without having to do copiously unreasonable amounts of relatively inconclusive research to determine a products basic content with regard to GMO or a Natural breed process.
It is not unreasonable to simply transfer the GM food content fact from grower to wholesale distributor/co-op/etc. to manufacturer to consumer. It's a wee bit of extra ink in an already existing label. The farmers know if they are growing GM food crops, the wholesaler will then need to separate GM purchased products from natural breed products that come in and the manufacturers may select which of the wholesalers source type they wish to use and label it as such on the final product. Simple. If that means the GM food industry suffers sales then so be it, that's life, get the hell over it. Food reputation is a personal thing and trying to sneak in under the radar on already long established natural food reputations is underhanded behavior.

How many here would say it's A-Okay to allow Zirconium Diamonds to be marketed and sold as Natural Diamonds? And imagine this, aside from the impurities/flaws found in natural diamonds, there's no difference, let alone unknown proteins/etc. So while you sit there on your twisted pony calling for special treatment for a relatively unknown unnatural product to be underhandedly snuck down the gullets of your fellow humans... check your ethics compass cause it's pointing the wrong direction.

- Armed citizens provide security of a free State.
"produced by Alex Jones, pretty much the frothing-at-the-mouth right winger as you can get,"
Uh... Jones is a libertarian and would have enjoyed seeing Bush go down for his crimes too.
Libertarians are above center right and left, where Statists are center below left right.
Right wingers call Jones a lunatic as do they call lefties and lefties call Jones a right winger. It just so happens that many of the strongest libertarians select to run on the Republican ticket but not all, some libertarians are found in the Democratic ticket also. Things aren't as simple as left and right anymore and it's very easy to mislabel someone if you don't absorb their collective positions or aren't aware of the 4 current leanings.
Just to make this clear - Bush is a Statist as is Obama, they select to run on what ever ticket that will best accomplish their goals and they are polar opposite the Libertarian. This is the largest dilemma today, voters don't recognize the massive infiltration by Statist into the traditional Democratic and Republican parties. Statist are backed by the large corporations and are looking to gain more and more powers via the state.
- Armed citizens provide security of a free State.
How about a great big flashing sign in front of supermarkets ?


It would be cheaper for us who are not alarmed !!!

And then there is this :

Well Obie,

Your ethics compass needs recalibration.

As per my alarms, my alarm is that people such as yourself would chose to compromise the freedoms of others so you can pretend to save a buck while supporting counterfeit market operations.

- Armed citizens provide security of a free State.

Ahh ! WOW !
"Statist"? Alex Jones a libertarian? The guy who "has cornered the bi-partisan paranoia market" and who is "shouting about mind-control assassins"?

So many things to say, but no point in even trying to spin this into a Puna/Hawai'i context.

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