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I would hate having 100's of cars driving past my house. Maybe the county should build their owe road through the vacant land adjacent to Pohaku? We've been paying into the Orchidland fund for over a decade and all we get in return is lawsuits and a community divided.
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I don't see a lot of whining. I am fully confident that we can improve our own roads and subdivisions if the majority would like to see that. Have faith in the people! It will all get worked out,and is naturally a process.
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If you look at any development on the mainland, the local government requires the developer to put in the infrastructure before any housing is built.
Those same laws were in effect here; infrastructure is required prior to final subdivision plat approval. County should be held accountable for their failure to enforce the law as written.
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The Orchidland board is not following protocol. All of the entrance roads running perpendicular to Highway 130 are supposed to be paved in an order set by the paving plan before any other paving work is done. There are roads that aren't finished and those are the neglected roads that are in terrible shape and need to be done first. It's the right and fair thing to do for the people that use those sections every day and have been waiting years. The money diverted from those paving projects have been marked for resurfacing,paving, the existing chip seal roads.
Iilima road is a classic example of how this board operates. They spent 60,000 dollars to prep the road for paving and have abandoned the final phase, asphalt, and are now planning to instead pave over the chip seal. Meanwhile the prep work will degrade from weather and will probably need more prep, and wasteful spending, to bring it up to ready again.
Wes is Only trying to do what's right. As President he was chiefly responsible for bringing in a lot of the funds needed and resigned in protest when the BOD started enacting this unfairness.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
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Mahalo Kimo Wires for some clarification. I went to resigned in protest former president Owens' website: and was totally confused. From your simple post I think I understand. He's throwing out red herrings like refund everyone's paid road fees etc. So it's either repave the chip seal first or pave Ilima then 40th and Laniuma to 40th? It seems that the OLE residents have the right to change the priorities by vote with guidance from the board. Hopefully the next general meeting will be definitive. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
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It sounds like as long as Wes gets his road paved first it's OK. If they want to pave any other road besides his, then it's an issue. I picture a spoiled little kid crying "But Mommy you promised me a "NEW BIKE" first before my sister and I didn't get one". Everyone is going to get a new bike eventually and all the roads are going to be paved..relax. What makes more sense? Paving a road with 50 people living on it? or paving a road with 3 people living on it? It's almost insulting to play semantics with the terms "chip seal" & "Paving" also. Ask yourself the magic question, what dog does Wes have in the fight and why would someone scream so loud over an issue that has a written plan to eventually complete itself and pave every road?
Furthermore, the "paving plan" is not the Constitution or the Tablets Moses brought down from the mountain, relax, your road will eventually get paved. Just for the record, my road is not paved or graded.
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Here is a link to the OLE roads which shows paved, unpaved and pending pavement.
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It sounded to me that they are using CHIPSEAL again to cover the chipseal- which is a waste of money, but if the funds were already voted on for that - then I can see why the board wants to proceed. The paving is totally different and is on hold (as I understand it, but please correct me if I'm wrong). I personally want "no more chipseal used" at all. I only want paving, but it is more expensive. Paving the top of Pohaku is a small section, and would benefit many because it would allow people to access 11 much easier.
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Paving a road with 50 people living on it? or paving a road with 3 people living on it?
County, State, and Fed all do both of these when it suits them; what's your point exactly?
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I'd like to hear Wes chime in on this and try and simplify it for everybody.
As I understand it the chipseal roads will be paved not re-chipsealed. Iilima road has been prepped for pavement and a lot of work has gone into that. To not pave it now is very wasteful and makes the BoD look very flaky. They at least need to follow through with projects they've started. And if they just do that last section of 40th then I think some diversion from the original paving plan would be agreed to by the general membership. A lot of members want that section done. More than don't want it. This is bound to remain a contentious issue. The money will likely be paid to the paving contractor before the next General meeting and the lot owners won't have any say.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.