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Tom - some times folks use whats called a"stretch" to make a point its a way of trying to be less confrontational ... keeping the flighty folks from jumping in and contesting every minor point.

as to the ultimate effects on Hawaii of radiation and its people - are you a radiologist? .... thats an opinion I'd respect (another stretch - grin)

why am I so adamant? out of respect to my dead scientist friends that were minor players on the WWII Manhattan project at Los Alamos .....

quite the team to help this kid with his high school cosmic ray / dry ice kit

Same arguments I heard in the 70's from THEM - all dead now most suffering horrible radiation induced cancers The whole group and their wives - gone. The siblings are waiting their turn - born during the testing...... we have heard it all before Tom -last time it was atmospheric testing.... nothing new here


So Bullwinkle, What advice do you have for the residents of Hawaii on this subject?
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
dont buy all the bull**** being published paid for by the industry- learn the truth

Thats the only way we can be aware enough to protect our resources and ourselves here in potential harms way

and to recognise that the industry has killed before using cost and the greater good as excuses

and lean on the feds to lean on japan to STOP THE LEAKAGE.... ongoing this year 4

most of all hold the industry accountable - note that tepco is "spinning off" the reactor - walking away - thats a crime in my book nuclear malfeasance should be prosecuted as a crime against humanity - any losses incurred by Hawaii - testing, health screenings and tourist losses - should be charged to Japan and tepco - seize a load of toyotas at hnl and see what happens - grin

'bout all we can do
We have learned the truth, repeatedly. No effect on Hawaii. If you disagree then tell me what the effect is.
Again: do you have a geiger counter? Why not, if you're so worried?

Are you learning the truth from reading those ridiculous websites you keep quoting?

The people you knew who died of cancer from radiation weren't 4000 miles away from the source.
have a good day @Paul - I am happy you dont see the as a personal issue, attacking the speaker rather then the facts so low brow.

Ill have my opinion and respect the your right to have yours - anything else you'd like to go over?
Reply speak

I believe some would prefer this thread to languish way back , like outa sight outta mind, however I don't feel that way. If you are old enough to remember Chernobyl you may remember the fairly extensive coverage on the so called msm about this event for many months - I remember when the radionuclides had circled the earth 3 times -according to the msm.
So why is the msm so lax on the current Fukishima disaster , lacking any in-depth investigation on this issue? Why is so much else in the USA that is not nearly as compelling as this event, belabored on ad infinitum — even if they don't want to start a panic, their actions allow people to consume and expose themselves to dangerous levels of radiation.
Mentioned in this video is a very clear and interesting "banana discussion", explaining the fallacy of comparing the naturally occurring radionnuclides in food (in this case a banana) with those released by a nuclear accident -
Also when watching the video , their is a picture of the actual explosion of the plant (starting at about 7:23 secs), and it sure is reminiscent of an atomic bomb explosion,
which when searching led to this page : [url][/url]
Wow ! Make up your own minds , but don't shoot the messanger again cause I am not saying this is 100% truth - but knowledge / info / is empowering and in our country we
still have freedom of speech - so here iti is
The paragraph below was supposed to be in the original post , but didn't make it although when I went to the edit post everthing was there and stil it didn't show up when posting again - it should bcome right after the 2nd (bottom link).

"Wow ! Make up your own minds , but don't shoot the messanger again cause I am not saying this is 100% truth - but knowledge / info / is empowering and in our country we
still have freedom of speech - so here iti is"
All of a sudden its about strontium - retroactively ..... and with no US agency (or anyone one else ) testing - we continue to take tepco's word about whats going on, what really is in the water

strontium gets into bones and up the food chain - very nasty stuff:

last I checked Hawaii geographically is in a spot that this may have an impact.

"Strontium tends to accumulate in bones and may cause bone cancer and leukemia.

The utility also said it will re-analyze past water samples because some of the figures can’t be trusted.

The observation well, which is 16 meters deep, is located between reactors 1 and 2, about 25 meters from the Pacific Ocean. It is also about 6 meters from an underground channel from which highly radioactive water was found to be seeping into the sea shortly after the crisis began in March 2011."

0ne meter being 3.2 feet
A HUGE percentage of first responders are ALREADY getting sick from Fukushima
Most alarming - seems the only way to get real data is thru crowd sourcing ..... - what a sad reflection on the state of our priorities - got farm bill?

"But Buesseler said the American public has the right to know what radiation levels actually are.

“It's something I do think should be monitored for the U.S. public,” Buesseler said. “What I expect are low numbers .... If we don't have data it's very easy to speculate and alarm people.”

Buesseler says the website is an example of crowd sourcing. Individuals and communities put up $100 in seed money to propose a testing site. If WHOI selects that site, the scientific organization will set up a fundraising web page to help the group raise the money for the water test, usually $550 to $600."

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