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We were just accepted for health coverage from Qwest Hawaii. We were enrolled in HMSA but can change to Aloha Care, Ohana Healthplan, or United Healthcare. What are the differences between the plans (the paperwork we were sent didn't really say). Thanks for all of your help in advance!
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Gentle push to stay away from United. Their commercials should give you a hint as to why.
Puna: Our roosters crow first
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Talk to your PCP. Find out which insurance company they prefer to work with. According to professional friends some private insurance companys' paperwork is extraordinarily onerous and sometimes gets batted back and forth before acceptance and payment (or not). The lack of paperwork and more certainty of payment is probably a big driver of the cheaper cash prices that some providers allow these days.
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We also were recently accepted into Qwest Hawaii, due to the new ACA law changes and its expanded coverage. You're right; they don't explain the differences. Getting local input like this is good.
They automatically enrolled us in Ohana, which is based out of Florida for some reason. We didn't like having a non-local company. Our current PCP takes HMSA, which likely has the largest pool of physicians and specialists to choose from. So, we switched and now have HMSA. Gratefully, we have not had to use it yet. Good luck and stay healthy!
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Glad to see all of us finally getting covered- one way or another!! It's working! I have no idea of the differences in the Quest plans, and since they it's medicaid- I don't see how legally they could differ at all. Can they?
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We still don't know the difference between the Med-Quest plans, but we've been told more providers accept HMSA. Also, the blood pressure medicine my husband takes HMSA pays for and the Clinic/ Dr. We've been going to accepts HMSA. So, unless we get some more info. on the other plans ( Alohacare, Ohanacare, or United Healthcare) that impresses us, guess we'll stick w/ HMSA. Thanks for your replies!