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I am being bumped off shifts by a retiree
I made my earlier comment in all seriousness. Our place in history as the Baby Boomer generation in America means that we will be the available blame targets for three generations of up and coming Americans. The latest statistics from the Alzheimer Association says that one third of us over 65 are going to experience either Alzheimer or dementia. That is just one high cost group we will be entering in droves.
The generations coming up will only see that we not only dropped the economic ball we threw it against the ground as hard as we could. Whether that is true or not that is how it is looking... and going to continue looking. They just do not have the momentum yet on the subject. It is coming.
When the full burden of our existence hits the economy this momentum will be fully engaged. There will be a lot of us that ran out of money too soon. We will be living in tiny studio apartments owned by the state and federal government. These clusters of apartments will have a name for the seniors living there at the peoples expense. There will be a new job classification of hardworking professionals getting a family wage job to usher us out of life with dignity.
Even if we have managed to avoid the studio to heaven scenario we will have real concerns about going to the hospital for any reason.
It will take a really successful set of moves as a group on our part to avoid this disaster coming at us.
OK, one more time. SS is NOT A GODD#M Entitlement program. We have paid into it all our working lives and the fact that the scumbags in DC have raided the program is not our fault. It's mine and you can go to hell, if you think I'm not going to draw it. There is no chance you whinny babies who have no problem drawing EBT which sure as hell is an entitlement program are going to make me feel bad about drawing it.
OH, and while I'm at it just how the hell do you think you get to determine what is a unnecessary job?
dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"
dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"
Originally posted by gogould

We will be living in tiny studio apartments owned by the state and federal government. These clusters of apartments will have a name for the seniors living there at the peoples expense.
Welcome to Stairway To Heaven Retirement Villas.
"It's all uphill from here."
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Ah good name it fits with the welcoming scenario. The drive to legal MJ will have been successful by then as well. It will be a key part of life for the seniors there. Gentle walking paths and relaxed seating under tastefully built lanai's of natural materials. There will be water sounds too from the carefully designed watercourses and ponds.
Ahhhh, and the good news from the top. As long as you get a "job year" that is what matters, not the number of employers to achieve it.


Ninole Resident
Please visit
Ninole Resident
Is Hawaii God's waiting room now (my apologies to Florida)?
Puna: Our roosters crow first
You have a long ways to go before you take that title.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
"then I'll go on EBT and possibly welfare"

OK - first you do not "go on" EBT - that is the acronym for "Electronic Benefits Transfer"
2. PLEASE you keep using this as if it is a threat, IF you choose to disclose all of the info to get benefits...and you qualify, and you choose to apply for benefits, either for your whole family or just your children, that is a choice that you, your childrens biological father and any other income sources can make.

The point is, it is a choice that YOU can make, not that someone else is making for you.

So why do you continue to want to direct others on the choices they SHOULD make, based on their age?

My MIL decided to go ATVing for the first time at 88.... she probably was utilizing a seat & tourist dollars that a much younger person could have enjoyed.... but it was a choice SHE made & we supported.

I really do not think any age argument would have been wise to use on her, ever! & when she decides she wants to zipline, hangglide, cliff dive or go back to work at 90, we will support her, because that is our way of respecting her and her decisions.... & a way of truly respecting the decision of one elders... to allow them to make their choices.

To bad some will judge her based only on her age!
The concept of "retirement age" is misleading. You can chose to collect Social Security payments anytime between age 62 and 70. (Assuming you have worked and contributed for 40 quarters). But, the monthly payment increases the longer you put off starting. You get "full Social Security" at age 66, if you were born before 1954, and somewhat later if you were born after that. But, "Full Social Security" is really arbitrary, and is certainly not enough for everyone to live on. Since the benefit is so small, it really is wise for people to put off collecting Social Security to the point where it will best meet there needs, if they are healthy and wealthy enough to put it off.

So, don't assume an older co-worker can retire. "Trying it once and being bored" may be a euphemism for being unemployed late in life, a situation many of us have found ourselves in.

Rob L
Rob L
Um, well, I find it an alarming concept that I of all people would be considering utilizing EBT. Sorry if I mention it to much, but it is a terrifying possibility for me and my kids. It actually has nothing to do with their dad- since we are divorced. It only has to do with my household income, and the amount of assets I still hold. Time will tell, if I can preserve some of the assets for the children. I may not be able to- and at that point- then EBT, welfare, and college PELL grants it shall be... It is not a threat. It is an unfortunate reality. The employees caring for the people in the gov't concrete tower/assisted living places- shall be paid minimum wage- and that alone should scare the bejeezus out of the boomers. SS/medicare recipients take out more than they put in- and in that way it is an "entitlement program"...

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