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I am being bumped off shifts by a retiree
Some where on this long topic the term " being rich" was used to justify the oldsters taking a back seat

In my line of work Ive met as many "rich" folk struggling to make the Bentley payment as I have folk struggling to keep the Camry. Its all subjective.

grass always greener - to me "rich" means being upright and mobile and with folk I care about in paradise or close to it Puna

let em have the camry - I'm really comfy in a beater - grin

I am looking forward to joining you there. I am slowly getting back on my feet here first. Back in the workforce again, whoa. Unknownjulie has made me recall the reality of it.
Ageism is real as real. I started seeing it at around fifty. It ramps up from there. It is a vastly different work world now. I still have not fully recovered from being hauled in and talked to because of a complaint to HR where, the young fella claimed, "I thought that he thought that I was a *****". Humor is my only safe refuge that and watching what ever I think in case the thought police are listening.
Originally posted by unknownjulie

.....I am a very personally responsible person, and it is odd to me that I get bashed on this board for doing my part to try and point our how everyone else can be responsible for our society also.

You are a modern day liberal. "Liberalism" and "personal responsibility" is an absolute contradiction and is why you are being bashed on this thread.

How can you possibly point out how EVERYONE else can be "responsible" for society, when you yourself are not? This is what sickens me about liberals, they think they know what is best for others and how they SHOULD behave, yet refuse to live by their own principles.

How's this? I met a young woman with FIVE kids, a barely running car that she pretty much lives out of, she finds shelter at friends or family homes for a week or so at a time. She desperately needs a job.
Why don't you QUIT just ONE of your THREE jobs so she can work? I am sure you are "wealthier" than she is.

Personally responsible people don't complain about their circumstances in life and come up with a million excuses as to why they don't get involved, or make enough money. They ensure that they never put themselves in such a situation and even when tragedy strikes, they have planned for it to some extent. They accept accountability for EVERYTHING in their lives and will do what it takes to survive, WITHOUT demeaning themselves by taking what was stolen from others. YES, ALL welfare funds come from theft.

It always amazes me how some people are so quick to label anyone they disagree with or whose actions they dislike as being "liberal" or "right wing" or "libertarian" even with absolutely no evidence as to their political party membership or voting record. Where I grew up almost everyone on welfare was white, fundamentalist christian, and voted however their favorite TV preacher told them to, which was pretty much the Republican party line. Of course virtually the whole county was white, fundamentalist christian, and voted republican, so why should the trailer park folk have been any different? But I wouldn't think of extrapolating from that experience that anyone on welfare must be a white christian republican, especially just because I disliked their position on one issue.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb

I am going to give you the option of backing out of your post and apologizing the the Punaweb community or taking a forced vacation from posting on Punaweb for an unspecified period of time.

Which do you prefer? Or shall I select for you?


I have absolutely no idea why you volunteer to be a punching bag.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Ah Rob, yes, I get a bit bored at home, but yeah, I will not post about this stuff for a long time again. All of it is upsetting, but I agree that it's not a very friendly forum regarding "these sorts of issues". Best to keep it to myself I suppose... Hopefully, I'll pick up some hours soon and have no time for punaweb!
I hate that the term liberal has become synonymous with authoritarianism and telling individuals how to live their life. The founding fathers were flaming liberals and that meant that they believed in individual liberty, personal responsibility and freedom from oppression. Individual liberty is the new idea, fresh and progressive, remarkably prosporous for many when allowed to flourish. Having a large forceful government that tells and controls how you live your life is anything but liberal, this is the oldest and most common form of government, democratic or not and not something we should conserve. The so called "liberals" are really conservatives, conserving the old ways of forceful coercion and the so called "conservatives" are hypocritical believers in personal liberty but in reality support the same old forceful coercion as well.

So the world may not be as divided as most seem to think it is, with so many people falling into two sides of the same coin.

I find it disappointing that in Hawaii and especially in Puna, people spend so much time judging and coming up with ways to tell people how to live their lives, not very liberal at all.

@UnknownJulie said:
"I have 3 jobs here, and I had zero jobs in Austin."

I lived in Austin for years and visit family there all the time. I can't imagine how anyone could imagine that the job market would be better here than in Austin. Based on my own experience and that of my extended family, there are plenty of opportunities at every level in Austin. And there are industries there that don't exist here at all. Personally, I love it here but I waited until I could afford to retire before I moved to paradise.
1. SS is not a savings account. It is not your money being returned to you when you retire. It is present-day workers paying for present-day retirees. Read the SS site. There IS no return on your money. Today's workers give you part of THEIR income to take care of you, just as you gave part of YOUR income to take care of retirees when you were paying into the system. You will always get more than you put in bc the numbers are based on today's incomes and today's cost of living.
2. If I'm 65 or 75 or 85 and i want to work, i'll damn well work. There are other reasons besides money why people work. Sanity, for one. It isnt about your needs, or society's needs, it's about THE WORKER's needs, no matter how old they are.
3. If you want to protect yourself from supervisory whims, start a business.
Originally posted by afwjam

I hate that the term liberal has become synonymous with authoritarianism and telling individuals how to live their life.
It isn't, we just have to listen to jerks like you saying it is.

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