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Land? If you were moving to Puna.
There was a house down the street from me that was priced at 125k or something

Classic example of making someone's point for them.

That same $125K would buy much more house in an "ag subdivision".
I agree,but my point was that "there is affordable housing available". It just may not be what most people want. I actually have a huge lot- so some are around- and I barely see my neighbors and they are quiet. On the outskirts of town the lots are bigger, but you still have town services, and avoid the 130 commute.
Thank you for your time
Hawaiian Acres is closer to Hilo than (most or is it all) HPP with the added bonus of avoiding Hwy 130 congestion. The roads can be bad at times though.
Me ka ha`aha`a,
From the little experience I have, if you want to do a B&B situation that is sustainable I suggest looking for something on the paved roads in Orchidland or Hawaiian Acres. Orchidland can be a tad more expensive and the lots are skinnier, although some are square and odd shaped. I just am going from the perspective of having a B&B. Both areas seem pretty central. So if you are hosting tourists they can get to everything in the area pretty easily. Plus if you get the right lot it will be pretty secluded. They also have no CC&R so as long as your b&b is not causing drama I think other community members will let it exist. Also. for many mainlanders and foreigners driving on some of the unpaved roads can be a little crazy thus I suggest the paved roads.

Again, I am not living in Puna yet but I have been there looking around for my own plot and this is what I have deduced from my journeys. I also have looked around Fern Acres and HPP. Both are great for my tastes but H.A. and Orchidland are a nice cross between the two and have that central location. Closer to the water would be perfect for a B&B also but the prices go up considerably and insurance is a hassle.

The tough part is the houses that seem B&B ready are usually just over 300 grand but I am sure if you wait something nice will pop up in your price range. Unless you are interested in doing a little building then you can find something even lower than your price range.

Anyway, thats my two cents.
Find an existing one for sale
Any "transient accomodation" is not considered a "permitted agricultural use", regardless of any additional restrictions imposed by CC&Rs.

If that second B means actual "preparation of food for consumption by the public", a certified commercial kitchen will be required, and guess what, kitchens are also not a "permitted agricultural use".

Bottom line: any non-ag use of ag-zoned land is a "Special Use", so it's better to collect EBT, welfare, disability, or other socialist benefits.
My friend Kenny has a B&B on a 5 acre ag lot.It is fully permitted and approved and he has a commercial kitchen.The SUP wasn't that hard to get .
FYI; Section 25-4-7. Bed and breakfast establishments.
(a) Bed and breakfast establishments shall be permitted in the RD, RM, RCX, V, CN, CG, CV and CDH
districts. A bed and breakfast establishment may be permitted in the RS districts and RA, FA, A districts,
within the State land use urban district, provided that a use permit is obtained for each such use. A special
permit shall also be required for any bed and breakfast establishment located in either the State land use
rural or agricultural districts.
(b) A bed and breakfast establishment shall be subject to the following standards:
(1) The bed and breakfast establishment shall be subordinate and clearly or customarily incidental to
the principal use as a residence by its operator and not alter or be detrimental to the character of the
surrounding area.
(2) The operator of the bed and breakfast establishment shall reside on the same building site as that
being used for the bed and breakfast establishment.
(3) The bed and breakfast establishment may be located on a building site, within any single-family
dwellings, and/or guest houses (pursuant to section 25-4-9).
(4) The bed and breakfast establishment shall contain no more than five guest bedrooms for rent to
(5) The maximum number of guests permitted within a bed and breakfast establishment at any one time
shall be ten.
(6) Only breakfast meals may be offered to guests. The serving of breakfast meals on the building site,
for a fee to individuals other than registered guests shall be prohibited. A bed and breakfast
establishment shall not operate as a food service establishment (i.e. a restaurant), unless such use is
a permitted use within the zoning district and the required permits have been acquired.
(7) One paved (with materials such as bricks, concrete, asphalt concrete surface or chip-seal, pavers,
stones) off-street parking stall shall be provided for each guest bedroom, in addition to the required
stall(s) for the dwelling unit, except that in the RS, RA, FA and A districts paved parking stalls shall
not be required as long as the material used for the parking stalls will eliminate erosion, mud and
standing water within the parking stall area. § 25-4-7 HAWAI‘I COUNTY CODE

SUPP. 15 (1-2013) 25-32

(8) Exterior signage which advertises the dwelling as a bed and breakfast establishment shall comply
with the requirements for residential signage as set forth in chapter 3 (advertising and signs),
Hawai‘i County Code.
© Any bed and breakfast establishment which has not received the required permits shall be considered
illegal under this chapter, unless otherwise noted herein.
(d) Any bed and breakfast establishment existing as of the effective date of this section and conforming to the
standards contained in section 25-4-7(b) which has not received the permits required under section
25-4-7(a) may continue such use for twelve months following the effective date of this section. After this
date, continued use without having submitted the necessary permit applications shall be considered illegal
under this chapter.
(e) The conditions contained in any use permit issued for a bed and breakfast establishment prior to the
adoption of this section shall continue to apply to the bed and breakfast establishment, notwithstanding
provisions to the contrary contained in this section.
(1996, Ord. No. 96-160, sec. 2; ratified April 6, 1999; Am. 2000, Ord. No. 00-152, sec. 3; Am. 2012, Ord. No
12-124, sec. 5.)25
We ran a very successful B&B in Orchidland for 9 years. It is central to go to Volcano, tide pools, and Hilo. We shut it down because we are collecting social security and Jerry is still working but hoping to retire soon.

It took us about a year to get legal to have a B&B. We are considering
selling our property and downsizing so if you are interested you can
e-mail us privately. The B&B special use permit goes with the property.

You can serve breakfast without a commercial kitchen. It just depends on
what you serve. Our guests loved the fresh fruit from the yard.


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