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Is this the new Aloha?
Originally posted by pohaku_uli

Is that the State Rep. from Puna driving?

Bingo - my first thought!

However, in as much as this video does not really surprise me - what I find truly ironic is that some day - not to far off - if not already - but this woman as shown in the video clip - will want to be called "Tutu."

Since the woman compares the car salesman to that of "sounding just like my son-in-law" - imagine the lessons those "Keiki" will be taught.

Originally posted by lavalava

How is this new? There has always been and will always be people like this. The good thing is they are not a significant percentage of the population so I just ignore them.

Looks like hazardous job duty.
I'd be pretty mad if someone endangered my life while I was working as a salesman like this.
Seems like he could press charges because of the test driver's illegal driving. ?
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
WOW. That was just wrong on so many levels. Sad to say it doesn't really surprise me too much though. I can't imagine treating anyone that way, what is wrong with people?
This video reminds me of my third grade teacher here in Pahoa. This white honky in the video just kept running his mouth though, I would have listened to Tutu and kept my mouth shut. This video looks like it may have been made here in Puna?. This does not surprise me at all, in fact this kind of behavior has been tolerated and now with schools like Kam we can expect another 50 years of the same?. Many of The kids at Kam school feel that they are so much better than their white counter parts or neighbors because of the school they attend or the race that they are?. Racial problems may never completely vanish, Yet our state is only generating and tolerating more of it by segregating these kids at early ages. I got to see the racial tension first hand this year at all the wrestling meets. Even though Kam is bigger and wealthier than most other schools like Pahoa, The Hawaiian kids like to show up the white kids and white coaches by not shaking their hands, but instead offer their stink eye after matches. The Kam coaches did nothing about this all year, neither did the refs or A.D's. I truly will never know how Black folks were treated for hundreds of years?. I can only imagine it was much worse than what these white kids go through today. What is worse being the race that gets spit on, or the race that does the spiting?.
Do these Kam kids grow up and go to mainland colleges?
All that racial pumping must be a cold slap in the face.
This is some backwards thinking to raise kids this way.
It doesn't make this kids better. It makes them worse.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
This was in Hilo I think. You can see the target sign in the background of part of it... This is a pretty typical interaction here on the BI. Perceived "pushy" white guy (who talks different)- and the local older person who "perceives" lack of respect- which sends them into a rage. Not sure it's so "racist" as a "cultural divide that is not so easily breached'. If she raised her daughter to be "racist" then she probably wouldn't have ended up married to a white guy. There are many undercurrents in this video, and it's worth watching a few times.
at times it seems to be a bit high school ish out here imho.... turns to ego really quick

seems regional - did not see as much of this kind of adolescent (on both parties parts) behaviour in maui

I mean the deal was lost as soon as the salesman corrected the driver, everything after just compounding the school yard interaction - no winners or attempts at conflict resolution here......

He needed to call his manager, obviously in over his head ....
Aunty must have had a bad day. More reason for us to Aloha everyone when ever we can.

Sometimes, people dont like their parents, and so to get back at them, will date or marry a race that the parents dont like.

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