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Hawaii Life
Soooo Hawaii Life wants to film my wife and I.

If we make it on TV, I will be sure to share with you all.

I havent seen the "sharpest knives in the drawer" on that show, so maybe my wife and I will be a good change Smile

Does anyone know of anyone else that has been on ?
Did you ask them why?
good way to get away from the media bullpucky - grin
Ask them why what ? Why they wanted to film us ? I guess they like our story.
Good take on the current media by mr. young - album greendale:

TV crews and cameras,
they wanted to interview grandpa on the porch.
They came through the gate and across the lawn
knocking down Edith's Tiki Torch.
And grandpa saw them there,
looking through the venetian blind.
"Those people don't have any respect,
so they won't get any of mine."

"I don't wanna talk about Jed.
I don't watch channel 2 or 6 or 9.
I don't have time to talk that fast,
and it ain't my crime."

"It ain't a privilege to be on TV
and it ain't a duty either.
The only good thing about TV
is shows like 'Leave it to Beaver.'"

"'Shows with love and affection',
like mama used to say.
A little Mayberry living
could go a long way."

He took Earl's shotgun down from the closet,
loaded up both barrels.
Walked out on the porch and fired 'm off,
and up walked a woman named Carol.

"Susan Carol from Early Magazine,
I got some questions to ask."
"Well you can stick 'm where the sun don't shine!"
grandpa said with a gasp.
best of all the last verse:

Grandpa died a hero.
Trying to stop the media.
Fighting for freedom of silence.
Trying to be anonymous.
Not following you. I think somehow what you are trying to get across gets lost in translation VIA the web.

I dont think sharing my story on Hawaii Life is bad, actually its quite a great story IMO.

I dont have anything to hide when it comes to searching for Real Estate, plus I dont think they will air me talking about getting a medical card and growing my own medicine... -grin
Another Media song;

"Cookie Jar" by Hawaii's Jack Johnson

I would turn on the TV but it's so embarrassing
To see all the other people I don't know what they mean
And it was magic at first when they spoke without sound
But now this world is gonna hurt you better turn that thing down
Turn it around

"It wasn't me", says the boy with the gun
"Sure I pulled the trigger but it needed to be done
Cause life's been killing me ever since it begun
You cant blame me cause I'm too young"

"You can't blame me sure the killer was my son
But I didn't teach him to pull the trigger of the gun
It's the killing on this TV screen
You cant blame me its those images he seen"

Well "You can't blame me", says the media man
Well "I wasn't the one who came up with the plan
I just point my camera at what the people want to see
Man it's a two way mirror and you cant blame me"

"You can't blame me", says the singer of the song
Or the maker of the movie which he based his life on
"It's only entertainment and as anyone can see
The smoke machines and makeup and you cant fool me"

It was you it was me it was every man
We've all got the blood on our hands
We only receive what we demand
And if we want hell then hells what well have

And I would turn on the TV
But it's so embarrassing
To see all the other people
I don't even know what they mean
And it was magic at first
But let everyone down
And now this world is gonna hurt
You better turn it around
Turn it around
I enjoy watching "Hawaii Life" and it would be nice to see someone searching in Puna --a fast growing area of the state (literally!). I don't watch it regularly, but it seems like they focus on fairly high-end searches. It would be nice to see them focus on a broader spectrum of properties. You have to congratulate them on their marketing of the agency through this vehicle. It is fun to watch others go through the various stages of moving here: vacationing, dreaming, thinking "Hey --wait a minute......people live there", thinking "Maybe I can live there", looking, living here, wondering how you ended up on an island far from anything except other islands, and finally acceptance, tuberoses, jasmine, flashing eyes, tropical drenchings, sun, moon, stars, ka makani and aloha.

And then the lava comes. Can't wait for the show to air! Do it!
I guess I feel that way about the news, but um, "blood on my hands" from showing real estate ?


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