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Good Bye Hobie
Hobie Alter passed the other day - many of us here in Hawaii and all over the world use his water toys every day - He was a common sight out on his boat "Tall Cotton" - we shared some wonderful summer nights "on the hook" at cat Harbor and the Isthmus of Catalina. He lived the lifestyle he was part of inventing - and many of us lusted after - grin

- good guy as well as being very business smart

see ya Hobie......
Hobie WAS truely an influential and innovative soul. Sorry to hear of his passing; He leaves us to ponder that essential question;"Symmetrical or asymmetrical hulls"?

I spent a lot of time in the eighties all over Catalina and am forever grateful for the experience.

Mahalo for posting, bullwinkie!

fun times

cherry cove and dougs harbor reef - shore boat coffee on those cold nights

asking doug o where he hooked that record white sea bass "right here in the mouth"

wood floats except for natalie

I took over for mad dog ....after a stint in harbor 3 - when I really should have been looking for a real job....

Spending tome with Hobie and his kids icing on the cake
Just put on my Hobie sun glasses this morning and said "Thanks Hobie". I spent about 20 years on catalina up to about 2 years ago when I left one island for another, the big island.
Hey bullwinkle, did you know the cherry cove harbor master Bruce Wicklund? he moved to avalon and worked with me in the harbor there. He lives on the big island now with horses and chickens.
Bruce was my trainer - taught me the ropes Bruce was on his way to Avalon when I arrived..... M.A. doing Bruces avalon shift I hear - small world

harrison hall certified my diving, I moved on about the time Furball and Silent lady did ....

last I hear B.C was running a park system in new mexico
....R. and brenda B have a b&b in costa rica "harbor reef" (plug) .... My regards to Bruce did he bring the boat?

Alter, top, with his surf team on Waikiki Beach circa 1960. Photo courtesy of Clarence Maki Family at GrindTV.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
I was at CIMI, Toyon Bay; Basically a dive/sailing bum that worked a little. Helped build the pink hotel in Avalon, met my wife, started a family, and moved to a bigger Island.[Big Grin]

Small world.
Raced Hobie Cat's in Cali and Lake Norman, NC. Loved the way the whole rig would start humming when it was running hot and everything in tune!
snorkle, I was at cimi toyon bay also from 96-2012 I must have got there after you left? bullwinkle, bruces boat the black dolphin is still in little harbor for when he visits catalina in the summer

bruce has 8 acres in fern acres, kind of a hawaiian horse ranch, I have his number if you want it. quite a few have retired from catalina to the big island where land is affordable still!

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