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There's drainage that goes down through my lot on 39th. That's why the lots are really cheap right in that area. I did however, get a really good high spot on mine cleared for a housepad and yard- and I have a driveway, that does not flood. This drainage area is seperate from the "river" that flows across the intersection of Pohaku and 39th when it rains. The good thing about that area, is that there is lots of soil, and big trees.
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just another paradise tax ...grin
allow lots of time while traveling - if it isnt a closure - its a road repair - got round about? construction starts soon
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In response to kimo wires:
It's a pretty selfish thing to put a burden on a community to serve your own self interests.
But isn't that exactly what you're doing?
Contrary to your post, most people who live in Orchidland know how badly this area floods, and don't want want to pay ( and keep paying ) to pave a section of road that is deluged with raging water on a regular basis. The County put the Puna Emergency Evacuation Road in Hawaiian Acres in large part because of this section of 40th.
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A 26-year-old Hilo man died Sunday (April 6) from injuries he received in a two-vehicle collision on the Kea'au-Pahoa Road (Route 130) between the 3- and 4-mile markers in Kea'au.
Responding to a 4:31 a.m. call, Puna patrol officers determined that the Hilo man was operating a 2010 Subaru multi-purpose vehicle and traveling west on the Kea'au-Pahoa Road when he overtook another vehicle and collided with a 2004 Ford F-350 pickup truck traveling east.
The driver of the Ford pickup truck, a 52-year-old Kea'au man, was transported to Hilo Medical Center with minor injuries. He was also arrested for suspicion of operating a vehicle under the influence of an intoxicant and was released pending investigation.
Police are also investigating whether the driver of the other vehicle may have been intoxicated and speeding.
Both drivers were wearing their seat belts.
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Bunk. I use that section all the time and so do friends of mine that live in Orchidland. It rarely rains hard enough to be a hazard. If it does rain that much it's flooding everywhere. And the worst section that floods, like a raging river at 39th, now has a concrete overflow dam with a depth marker. I've been down there when it was real bad and only a fool would try to cross it. The lake that forms on the other side is just stagnant, with no current, It could be fixed too with concrete and under drainage. Not fixing the road is more of a liability than making it passable.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
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One of the things that troubles me is that the County/Police were directing traffic onto "private roads" that the county declines to maintain since OLE is a "substandard subdivision" and the county washes it's collective hands. It would seem that the OLE association could demand that if the county is going to re-route people onto private roads in a private subdivision that the county should then maintain such alternate routes. Meanwhile it is on the short list for paving if the current OLE road fees pass.
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lost a half hour on 11 today - paving .... lots of stressin and grousing on the roadway.... it is what it is .... I appreciate the good road surface when they are done.
seems an annual event
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The county should take over that route and maintain it but I doubt that will ever happen. It would take a lot of effort on the part of the OLE board of directors who just aren't pursuing it. Requests like these seem to fall on deaf ears. The section of that route called Olaa Rd. is a county road and It's NOT paved to their own standards.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
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County/Police were directing traffic onto "private roads" that the county declines to maintain
Easily fixed: set up a tollbooth, charge non-residents for use of the private road.
For maximum effect, be sure to arrange the media circus ahead of time.
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body on frame 4wd (not all wheel drive - doesnt do what 4wd does) makes short work of detours....old school