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Of course, the main thing driving traffic to the offending web page right now is THIS THREAD since it has two links back to the offending web page with the embedded content. With the link to it removed from the real estate web site, this thread is possibly the only likely method for someone to drive traffic to that page. Bullwinkle, are you working for them? If so, very clever (I think my paranoia is bordering on Bob's level with this one!)
Me ka ha`aha`a,
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Rob what say you - drop it or continue?
Im interested if you have issued permission for her to use your content
You really obsess about this stuff.
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you bet - 50k payroll every two weeks - and a little extra to cash out the house .....pays to keep up and beats whoring for commissioned sales
bottom line I have ten or so families that depend on a business - I wont let a sleazy practice cause them to loose their jobs - f*rking vandals - grin
if it wasnt for all the web hooliganism - I'd be really retired -
As to Punaweb being damaged Its really Rob's call thats where I left it, I dont have a dog in this fight -
its called having ones back - old school concept ...standing by
I think maybe to the point of paranoia ?
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I understand Bullwinkle's concern. I have a much smaller business than he has, but the impacts to any size company can come at you from all sides; vendors, customers, state, federal, people trying to sell you services, and people trying to steal product, services, etc.
If you are an employee, or a government worker, it's difficult to understand how this affects the bottom line.
I can't tell you how many times I have tried to explain the impact of an unwarranted fee, charge, or credit request to someone by comparing the amount, say $20, to them receiving $20 less in their paycheck that week. The response is always the same; a blank stare.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
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Regarding sites not being physically hosted in Hawai'i, there aren't many local hosting solutions, and most will go with the best/cheapest deal, which usually ends up being in some data canter located in Texas, etc.
Code: <div class="contentpane">
<div class="componentheading">
The Punaweb Forum </div>
<iframe id="blockrandom"
This option will not work correctly. Unfortunately, your browser does not support inline frames.</iframe>
Above is the source code from the site relating to this topic. Either the realtor is lying, or is ignorant, but I believe this is not "Fair Use," and that Rob has grounds to take legal action against the aforementioned realtor.
Really... iframes? That's sooo 90's.
"Life is labor, and all that is good in life comes from that labor..."
"Life is labor, and all that is good in life comes from that labor..."
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When I exchanged emails with Donna Herbst, who owns the website, about the emdedding of Punaweb on her page, she told me that she had no idea how that got on her page, and I took her at her word. I figured some webmaster had gotten overexcited and embedded Punaweb without running it by the owner of the site. But after looking at her website I see she has a Bio page here: where she mentions what she calls "the puna forum" multiple times as the place to get all your real estate questions answered. She also says "From the beginning of my Real Estate career in 1990, I had to choose what type of a Realtor I'd be. A Realtor that gives more and more, or takes more and more. I've been giving for over 22 years and am still giving." but it looks to me like all taking in this case. Taking from Rob, and taking from all of us who are contributors to Punaweb.
I have to admit I just don't like the idea of Punaweb, and by extension all of us who are active members, being pimped out to sell real estate for someone who would rather that we answer all her potential customers questions, instead of doing it herself. Honesty and integrity are really important characteristics in a business person, especially in a real estate broker who is integral to the process of many people's most expensive financial transaction. Honesty means owning your mistakes, not pretending you don't know anything about them.
Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
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As much as the idea of selling land disgusts me (if you sell the land, what happens to the sky?) if you want a good local realtor, then Ted Stubbs is my suggestion.
"Life is labor, and all that is good in life comes from that labor..."
"Life is labor, and all that is good in life comes from that labor..."
Posts: 272
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When you click on links in the iframe you are kept on the offending site, and I am offended by this.
"Life is labor, and all that is good in life comes from that labor..."
"Life is labor, and all that is good in life comes from that labor..."