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Looks like the key word there is "Frequent" which is not a very precise word, and the special permit is needed if it is in "State land use rural or agricultural district" which is not the same as being zoned Ag.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
We have a licensed state vehicle safety check business in our residentially zoned neighborhood that is motorcycle friendly, so it is all in how you, the county, the state & your neighbors read the zoning code......

I really doubt most your business will be a zoning problem in most areas, but just be aware, one neighbor with socio/political connections can be a PIA!
County can only enact zoning which is consistent with State Land Use.

State LUC maps show "agricultural" for most Puna subdivisions, ergo these are both Ag-zoned at County level and Ag-use by State.

This is why some rezoning actions include asking State LUC to move the Ag boundary.
csgray- ah how fun to meet a fellow fiber artist! Thank you for all of the tips and thoughts! Its so nice to talk to someone who has an idea of what we do! I had looked into getting supplies shipped. The price went up -not quite double. I was surprised -actually thought it would be more than that. I do ship everything usps so those prices would stay the same. Not horribly worried about the electricity b/c our bill is very low here. My research had prepared me for triple or quadruple the bill there. -hopefully on nice days I can hang dry. Smile My worries mainly were with having enough water in the catchement and trying to figure out how to properly do the washout. -It appears that a septic or cesspool you need to add an ingredient so that it renders the dye ok for the system. But I cannot seem to find what that ingredient is. lol. How much water do you go through per month? And how many gallons of water do you collect in a month? I know that depends on where you live too. I looked at my water bill here and for our business, family of 6 and washing a bunch of diapers too we go through about 5500 gallons a month. I also had worries about the inventory getting musty or icky. I have been told to just make sure I have lots of odor absorbers in the bins. How did you handle this? We have such an extensive inventory, I think we could last quite a while Smile I am ready to do my dyeing outside though. I have a garage to work in here and all winter my dye bottles froze rock solid. It was incredibly frustrating. I had a little space heater but obviously it did not do enough. it was a long cold winter for me!

Carey- I am so happy to be in touch with you again! So sad that I missed you ! Travelling with 4 kids, 3 of them being little was much more work than I had anticipated. Ha! And here I was thinking it would be a vacation. lol. We will for sure be in touch when we come out there to look at houses soon. hubby is out of school in 4 weeks so we are almost ready to be able to come! Thanks for the links too! Those are super helpful! REALLY?! wow that seems like a great price in hpp. Let me know if you hear of anything else like that! I would love to know about it!

Nanavalley- yes, you do get interesting things happening in any subdivision. We have everything from old folks to families to rock bands, to screaming neighbors in our subdivision here. Not much for stealing or tresspassing though. And our roads can get REALLY awful due to all of the snow and ice.

I am looking into the permits I may need and will hopefully have that all figured out before we get there! Smile
Its a colorful life!
Yes, the key does seem to be the word "frequent".
Hmmmm, Ups man comes to my house here sometimes 4 times a week, sometimes 1. the postman picks up my packages twice a week.
Is that frequent? I suppose if the postman doesnt pick up packages in the area that we live, then we would have to take them to the post office ourselves. But we would still get deliveries. And I plan on ordering a ton of stuff from Amazon as they have cheap prices and free shipping to HI on so much stuff that you use every day.
Well, thanks for all of this info and your thoughts! have a groovy day all!
Its a colorful life!
County has been known to be "less than forthcoming" about the need for additional permits; it's apparently your responsibility to understand the system well enough that you ask for the right things.

Suggest watching a few episodes of Dukes of Hazzard; note how Boss Hogg runs things, this place is sometimes eerily similar.
The term 'frequent' will probably, at least initially, be determined by your neighbors. They would be the ones to call in a complaint about a business in the neighborhood. If the FedEx truck is quiet, doesn't kick up any dust if you're on a cinder road, you'll probably be OK. Be a good neighbor, and hope that you have good neighbors.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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