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Maui GMO protest
An excerpt:

"The protesters had lots of time to organize and plan these marches too and didn’t have to worry about where their next meal came from. Some ate GMO snacks on the plane rides over that were offered on the flight. Were they afraid of what it would do? No, they ate it without question. Did these same people have to worry leaving their farms to attend such a march? No, they don’t farm and it’s pretty obvious with the time they have on their hands. They directly benefit from the efficiency and productivity created by the ingenuity of the very farmers that they are protesting and don’t even know it."

The rest of the story !
It's a great island with some deliciously funky pockets, but it suffers from a severe case of NIMBYism and GMO sends them direct to the fainting couch --which they had shipped over.

It is really a shame how some want to kill agriculture over there. Some are freaked out by the sugar industry, as well. I mean can I please have some coconut....sugar? They go so well together!

I was almost killed by a tourist who didn't realize my left hand turn lane was not a third lane for use on her side of the road. Tourists in Altimas are a greater danger than GMO.

I don't know. Maybe the tourists drive that way because they are eating GMO tofu, but I don't think so. They seem to only eat salads with mahi-mahi. I like those, but they don't affect my driving.

Where am I going with this? Auwe.

There is a whole island of GMO corn in Hawaii, where people are getting VERY sick.

You can have the GMO debate all day. Its like talking religion. There is science, and then there is the people that will believe anything they want.

Whichever side of the arguement you are on, there is very little anyone can do to convince you otherwise.

My personal experience with my stomach and GMO soy, is it is absolutely poison. It put me in the hospital, but that is my experience.

A whole island of GMO corn? Making people very sick? OH PLEASE!

It wasn't GMO soy that made you sick, it was the way you prepared or cooked that meal.
Almost everything grown now is GMO in our grocery "food" chain. Acid reflux disease has been increasing since the introduction of GMO. Cows will refuse GMO corn if given a choice (they have 4 stomachs, remember). Do the math. I suffered miserably with acid reflux (prescrip drugs) until I started eating "homegrown". Life is waay mo' bettah now!

Are you a human being, or a human doing?
Yes, the island of Waialua.

People are already reporting sickness, disease and infertility.

And yes, it was absolutely GMO Soy that put me in the hospital. I had been drinking it every day in my coffee. i started having bad stomach problems and cramps, than finally blood and other issues. I had to get a colonoscopy and upper GI. The GMO Soy Milk was making me sick and destroying my stomach. I've since stopped drinking Soy Milk and have had no problems. My digestion is steadily improving.

Like I said, talking GMO is like talking religion. There is nothing I can say or nothing you can say that will change anyones mind one way or the other.

I look at people who read the bible and study it like its real and wonder, "How can one person be so dumb to believe a fictional book written hundreds of years ago ?" The same way I look at GMO supporters and wonder "How can someone be so dumb, that they think people spraying chemicals in HAZMAT suits is ok to eat ?"

At the end of the day, you are going to believe what you want.. If it kills you or not. And I am okay with that/ If you want to feed your family poison, that is your choice. But I also want the choice to NOT eat it if I do not want.

Seems fair, dont ya think ?

Nice article from a real, GMO activist, and well worth a couple minutes to read.

"Does all this mean that I’m going to rush to the store and buy boxes of processed, GMO laden food? Certainly not! I will still eat organic, whole foods as often as possible. It is my choice to do that. And no doubt, my visceral response to GMOs will take a lot longer to change than my intellectual one. But I’m growing, learning and changing and that is always a good thing.

Why am I doing this? Have I gone over to the dark side? Well, I’m doing this because I have to if I want to look at myself in the mirror. I want to be a beacon of truth. I can not, in good conscience, continue to spread propaganda."


BTW, that "cows won't eat GMO corn" thing is bogus and based upon what a radio talk show host said. The Anti-GMO crowd picked it up and ran with it. Baseless propaganda.
Eat whatever you want, but don't try to force others to eat like you do. Personally, I am fine with labeling, but only if it applies equally to all products, nationwide, not just a county or a state.
Highly doubtful any physician wrote on your medical chart "illness caused by GMO food." No responsible physician anyway. Possibly you are allergic to soy? Is that too obvious? Lots of other GI illnesses exist also. Acid reflux, for instance, could well be related to our overeating tendencies, often related to the increased incidence of diabetes, so much in the news today.

Conflating hazmat suits with GMO foods is a typical sign of confusion in the anti-GMO crowd.

"There is nothing I can say or nothing you can say that will change anyones mind one way or the other."

Actually, another complete untruth. If you are a science-oriented, evidence-based observer, then actual evidence of harm would change minds. In previous threads I've given examples of momentous changes in our understanding of nature based on changes in scientific evidence. The evidence for GMO harm is not there, so no, my mind is not changed.

The article in Obie's link is very good. And read more on the blog for an excellent local view of agriculture on the Big Island.
Whichever side of the arguement you are on, there is very little anyone can do to convince you otherwise.

I disagree. People are easily convinced to spend money they don't have on $#!+ they don't need, it's just a matter of properly packaging the propoganda.

As in "natural food stores".

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