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green jobs and energy independence for Hawaii

So green we gotta burn oil to ship it out of here. Awesome.
Exactly what material are Lamplighter Energy Company planning to use for these energy pellets? It wouldn't be our thousands of acres of dead Ohia, would it?
what material are Lamplighter Energy Company planning to use

Irrelevant; processing/shipping likely exceed the output, as with ethanol.

Please explain. Just curious.
This is their website, although way out of date.

I would imagine it to be eucalyptus trees, since there is that rather large forest on the Hamakua coast that no one seems to be able to do anything with. Several attempts at cutting them and converting them to biofuel have all failed for various reasons.
There's a big stack of eucalyptus logs sitting at Kawaihai Harbor. Looked like telephone poles.

Lamplighter looks solid. Nothing about pellet heating. Thanks LDude

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