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A message of appreciation for all the teachers
This year has been hell for them. Not only was this insane new "teacher evaluation system" implemented (which included a "tripod survey) -which will tie future teacher raises in with a survey THAT THE STUDENTS SUBMIT- but they also had to deal with the adulteration of Charlotte Danielson's teachings. They also had to rewrite/write SLO's and this was redundant and extraordinarily time consumming. This was all expected to be done in the teacher's "free time". Additionally, next year the bell schedules are changing to include the kids being instructed for longer days- which will cut even more into "teacher planning time"... Additionally, the teachers are underpaid. They all should make at least 100k per year. Please let all the teachers know that you appreciate their hard work! They are doing a mammoth job with few resources! When you drive by the schools at 5pm, and on the weekends, notice the cars in the parking lots. Those are teachers that are still there working! (for the most part)
Thanks for the shout out, teachers do appreciate that, especially this time of the year when we get really busy.

If people want to do something concrete for a teacher who has made a real difference in their child's life the best possible thing you can do is write a letter to the principal saying so and ask that it be included in the teacher's cumulative file. A parent did that for me one time and my principal ended up referencing the letter in my year end evaluation, it had so much more impact on my life than another coffee cup would have.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Great post, Unknownjulie! Teachers are the most underpaid and under-appreciated members of our society! I wish we could double teachers salaries and cut attorney's rates in half! If you can read, thank a teacher. Great suggestion by CS.
I had some really good teachers very young,taught me how to think for myself and poblem solve.Seems more valuable every day.thanks!
I am not officially sanctioned as a teacher for another 3 weeks, but BIG MAHALOS for your appreciation! It comes right on the heels of my first "real" lockdown last week with a bunch of 3rd/4th graders for over two hours...not fun when you are pregnant and have to pee. Big Grin

It is tough sometimes, but such incredibly rewarding work. I have been blessed with being around many master teachers who are SO good at what they do, and look forward to learning from many more as I step in to the ring.

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