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Rapid Ohia Death Workshop
I hope that I'm not posting something that has already been posted on Puna Web but the following announcement hit my inbox, courtesy of JB Friday, in the last day or so:

Aloha forest landowners and natural resource professionals,

Following up on the success of the November Rapid Ohia Death summit in Honolulu, we are hosting the following two symposia on Rapid Ohia Death on Hawaii Island:

Saturday March 18, 2017 East Hawaii symposium at the University of Hawaii at Hilo UCB 100

Saturday April 1, 2017 at the West Hawaii Civic Center County Council Chambers

Each symposium will run 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.

Presentations will include: Rapid Ohia Death discovery timeline, origins of the disease, how the fungus spreads, wood treatment research, effects on the forest, management actions, and community outreach and engagement. An open question and answer session will follow.

Mayor Harry Kim will provide a welcome and introduction. Snacks and refreshments will be available through generous donations from local businesses.

The Symposium is being offered as a free public event. However, space is limited, so we ask that you register by going to the website and clicking on the link for the symposium you'd like to attend.

We continue to update the website with more information about the disease.

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