if its on the leaves it s a type of microscopic mite that makes these 'blister deformation' of the new leaves, the non-native mite hasnt been in Hawaii too long.... very common on introduced hibiscus, far less common on all of the endemic ones, Ive only seen mild cases a couple times on H.Clayi and H.Kokio, never on any of the other 10 native type.
Ive seen it on almost all of the hybrid types and non-native ones.
I use heavily deluded Sevin on the leaves and the new growth goes back to normal, but the affected leaves will always be deformed (In other words if you see the new growth growing back to normal the mite was killed off temporarily, but may show again later).
edited to say I see Jim knew about it too... cool
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha