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cat shootings

I contend that feral cat lovers have a perversely flexible relationship with reality, seeing things as they want to see them no matter what. This story of someone getting killed over feeding feral cats is proof. Know why? Read all the comments. It should be blindingly obvious so I'll let you guys figure it out.
Most of the comments there don't even seem to comprehend who was feeding the cats. ???
I hate to be that guy...
but this explains a lot of things with
Cat lovers.

Research the parasite and you will see more.
I feel that Hawaii should have been treated more carefully in terms of what was brought in: the mongoose, the buffo and so forth. I would put cats on the list of creatures that should not have been allowed on the island. They like to kill and eat birds. Some of the birds here are found nowhere else in the world.

While shooting cats could easily be seen as inhumane, they shoot Axis deer, don't they?
Originally posted by alaskyn66

I hate to be that guy...
but this explains a lot of things with
Cat lovers.

Research the parasite and you will see more.

This is as good an explanation as any. It explains several of my family members interesting and never to be changed cat love.
This is why I cannot indulge in the whole idiot thing. These are highly intelligent rational people in most every way. In their ongoing idiocy and love for cats they seem to care almost as much about me. Maybe.

Maybe this is why traction on a direction to a solution is all that is available. In the meantime people will continue to guard their hunk of turf as always.
"While shooting cats could easily be seen as inhumane, they shoot Axis deer, don't they?"

This is one of the better questions I have seen on this thread lately. People lean on the humane society to solve the problem, but they euthanize 99% of the cats that are brought there. Is it better to trap a cat (very stressful), take it to be processed (more stressful), put it in a different cage (unbelievably stressful), make it wait the mandatory hours before it's legal to euthanize it (so stressful they seldom eat / not eating is stressful) and then grab it, confine it, inject humane poison into it, wait for it to die (they don't wait, its an assembly line process, move onto the next one), dispose of the corpse, and then move on to the next batch... than it is to humanely end the animal's life in a few seconds with an air rifle while also saving your chickens lives?
Hunt got it right regarding the story I linked above. The story was about a 70 year old man who fed stray cats. His neighbor, a 64 year old woman, kept telling him not to. One time he got mad and stabbed her. The crazy cat person stabbed the innocent neighbor to death because she didn't want her home ruined and she said so. The story generated lots of comments naturally. The great majority were about how this poor woman got attacked because she "did the right thing by feeding the stray cats". WHAT!? Yep, that's right folks. A huge percentage of the people who commented were not able to comprehend the message. They read about a crazy cat man murdering a neighbor who disagreed with him and absorbed that the VICTIM was the one feeding the cats. Now I am willing to spot each demographic group a psychopath or three in proportion to population size given the general state of the world, so I am not griping about a cat lover going off the deep end. It is the readers that I find pathetic. Reader after reader literally could not comprehend reality and heard only what they wanted to hear. Not a single comment addressed this shocking oversight.

Now terracore, do you really think the feral cat crowd can handle your question?
I said this once before but I will say it again humans are the mother of all invasive species. Humans "should " have never gone to Hawaii. Not that I totally believe that but based upon the logic of many people this is the ultimate truth. I personally believe this is earth and it is natural for the creatures of the Earth to roam along it's surface and settle in the environments perceived to be of least resistance. So here we are today with humans living on this remote island with all the creatures who have evolve to live a symbiotic relationship with humans.

Statements involving "should", "supposed" or"try" are highly questionable to me.
"Not a single comment addressed this shocking oversight."

Not true. Fishy gets it right part way down:

"I think many people think the lady was feeding cats... No. It was the guy who was feeding cats and the lady was telling him not to because of the kitty poop."

A couple other comments actually lead me to believe that this was an updated error on the part of the news outlet. The initial comment has this quote, which at first I thought was a mistake, but it might have actually been a quote from the original article:

"I warned her not to keep feeding them, but she ignored me, and I got angry."
I missed that comment by Fishy but you have to admit 1 out of 100 is still pretty poor. I did see that quote but assumed that it was a commenter paraphrasing. Plus Fishy was able to get it right.

Well, just read a comment by Fishy about "...just corrected the article..." so perhaps you are right. I may have to eat my words. Can't tell really.

If you look far enough down the list it does seem like people start to "get it". Perhaps that is when the article was corrected. Of course it is also when Fishy clued everyone in and maybe they re-read the article. Some of the comments are rather chilling such as: "I have no sympathy. I've said it before and I'll say it again: You don't mess with a man's cats. That's just wrong" . OK. So complaining about feral cats is "just wrong", but killing someone is not. Don't know what to say to that.

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