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Hopefully the Kalapanite's won't taste good to them, they will fill up their fuel tanks with lava, and they will travel elsewhere for a new food source.
Are you a human being, or a human doing?
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Unfortunately, the impression I get from that is that Uncle Robert is no longer functioning at full capacity and someone(s) taking advantage of that unfortunate situation.
Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
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quote: Originally posted by oink
Unfortunately, the impression I get from that is that Uncle Robert is no longer functioning at full capacity and someone(s) taking advantage of that unfortunate situation.
Big Islander to be.
Exactly, oink. This is my concern. [  !]
Ken, short answer is NO. Not that anyone is aware of yet. Still checking into it. Henry Noa, "Prime Minister" of RHK apparently was blindsided by this information.
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The rising of the Pleiades over the horizon in October was recognized as the period of Lono, Makali'i, the harvest and storms, while the rest of the year was for Ku, the god of war. The Hawaiians knew where they came from, a long chain back to southeast Asia. Recent findings are showing at least some individuals and possibly small groups would occasionally backtrack to known islands. The Hawaiian origin legends have many similarities to the Old Testament Genesis. Judeo-Christians have a problem with the Hawaiian religion, since from the Western perspective, it is a pantheon. However, it is similar to the Greek-Roman pantheon in many respects and their gods would reside in the "heavens" but sometimes taking human form.
There is a similarity with all these religions, Judeo-Christian, Hindu, Inca, Egyptian, where they all have a time of demigods before humans. That is so with the Hawaii origin stories. Most of the legends are about this time of the demigods and they could reside in the stars when they wanted. The legends of these demigods were once kapu to the commoners, only known to the ali'i. The Polynesian link back to southeast Asia is showing connections to Sanskrit and the Hindu religion.
It could just be Uncle Robert working on another tourist angle. Couldn't hurt to have a celestial vimana landing pad out on the lave field.
"This island Hawaii on this island Earth"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
I would think any life form capable of inter stellar space travel would have any need for:
A. Humans
B. Their man made religions
C. A place to land their craft.
Quite frankly, I think the first two on the list above have kept the third one from ever happening!
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]Originally posted by SBH Is this your Hilo Airport Shuttle Pog?
That is an interesting ufo which I have seen and have commented on here on punatalk, and what is really interesting is the obvious lack of any known type of propulsion system -at least the acknowledged ones.
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quote: Originally posted by Ken
I would think any life form capable of inter stellar space travel would have any need for:
A. Humans
B. Their man made religions
C. A place to land their craft.
Quite frankly, I think the first two on the list above have kept the third one from ever happening!
As far as not having any need for humans - didn't you see that Twilight Zone episode titled "To Serve Humans ", which turned out to be a cookbook for serving humans , LOL, but they don't like smoked meat - hence the anti - smoking campaign - remember the smoking man in "X Files", he smoked so as not to end up as dinner for - whatever "they" are.
And as well I would argue that they have been here for a long , long, time already since their are well over 30000 written mythologies speaking about visitors to our planet - including the bible.
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[quote]Originally posted by Ken
Does this declaration represent the will of the people to which these "noble within the reinstated Kingdom of Hawaii" represent? Was there a referendum? A general public vote? A petition?
How does this fit into legitimacy of any form of a reinstated Kingdom of Hawaii?
It's good to be King , and the general public shouldn't have any say, other than the native Hawaiians - hey, America took these Islands by force of arms and deceit.
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quote: Originally posted by Kelena
Thor Heyerdahl was a great adventurer but a bad anthropologist. The Hawaiians didn't come from South America. And apparently they didn't come from Earth. If I read the declaration correctly, they came from the Pleiades, which are about 300 light years away. Obviously, they didn't row here, so I think the rowing tradition must have developed later.
I like the sense of aloha offered by the declaration -- need a place to land?. Come to Kalapana.
Of course, Stephen Hawking theorizes that inviting contact with extraterrestrials is a very bad idea because, if they are anything like humans, they will want to dominate and destroy us. Let's hope they are more like Golden Retrievers and just want to lick us and pal around with us. I don't think that retrievers or retriever-like creatures would quickly develop interstellar space travel though, unless there was a tennis ball involved somehow.
I wouldn't worry about the folks at Kalapana though. I would worry more what we would do without them.
I have to agree with you on this post, particularly " if they are anything like humans, they will want to dominate and destroy us ", to this I would add that imho it is the corruption of our so called leaders that want "dominate and destroy", and it would be that government that really is in control - The SSG , or Secret Shadow Government, and their lackeys in other government structures . Their are a lot of truly good humans on this planet, but they don't have enough control of the situation - yet, but people are waking up.
Also their is a philosophe that says, "As above so below", meaning that "they aren't necessarily friendly's - and although I see indications of a Secret Space War occurring here , the bad, er.. guys seem to be more established here , with more stuff at their disposal.
quote: Originally posted by Opihikaobob
It's good to be King , and the general public shouldn't have any say, other than the native Hawaiians - hey, America took these Islands by force of arms and deceit.
Well, then, if that's the case, I REALLY feel sorry for the native Hawaiian more now than I ever have!
And my original question was that of "the people they represent."