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Home Invasion - Search for Suspects
Heads up, everyone! These PUNKS are still on the loose. [Sad!]

Please keep your eyes open for these two, and stay safe:

(*Snipped - Sketch of suspects at link)

Hawaii Island police are investigating a home invasion early Monday morning in Puna. Shortly after 3 a.m., officers responded to a report of a home invasion on Ala Heiau Road in the lower part of the Hawaiian Paradise Park subdivision after receiving a report that two men, one armed and both wearing masks, had entered a house and confronted the occupants, according to police.

Police learned that a 68-year-old man and his 70-year-old wife had been at home when the suspects entered the residence through an unlocked door and started to remove items from a bedroom. One of the suspects struck and threatened the male victim, police said.

The suspects then left from the rear of the house with electronic items. This case is classified as first-degree burglary, first-degree terroristic threatening and third-degree assault.

Police ask anyone with information on this case or anyone who recognizes the suspects from these composite drawings to contact Detective Grant Todd at 961-2385 or Those who prefer to remain anonymous may call the islandwide Crime Stoppers number at 961-8300 and may be eligible for a reward of up to $1,000. All Crime Stoppers information is kept confidential.
The house in question had a "charity event" just a month or so ago!
To raise money for someone locally in need. I think there was a fee of $5, several bands, grindz, etc.
It was WELL attended.
It is NOT a house that "looks" like "money", quite the opposite, in my opinion.
My suspicioun is that someone (these perpetrators) cased it at that time.
The vacant lot next to this house is frequented almost daily by fisherman, snorkelers, ETC.?
Believe it or not on the night in question, after the police left an individual was noticed on the lava wearing a "head" light. Nobody called it in because nobody knew what had happened, other than the victims, until the following morning.
Knowing that the perpetrators wore mask, with people home, leads one to believe this was not a "random" idea or a crime of "opportunity" but calculated!

The bottom line to all this is............................unknown?
A gun - only if you can get to it?
A dog - only if it's loose on fenced property AND doesn't bark at EVERYTHING that moves, remember the "fishermen/snorkelers" present night and day?
Locking ALL your doors and windows, even on these "hot/muggy" nights with no trades?
third degree assault, some one tell me these elders are ok?thugs preying on the elderly.dont imagine they will ever feel safe again.Sounds like Puna could use a little old fashioned vigilante justice IMO.
These recent home invasion crimes are really scary. The criminals are getting very bold.
And young... Those sketches of the two suspects look like high school kids!
They've even become bold enough to gang up and harass/bully elders in the shopping malls! I guess this is what we get when parents "want to be their friend" and not discipline them in right from wrong, respect for elders, take each individual for who they are, etc. etc., or worse, parents who just don't give a crap for their kids and their future. JMO except for the gang part, that is real, and very scary!

Are you a human being, or a human doing?
How is it not Robbery
Horrible. There should be a neighborhood in Hell for those who terrorize people in their homes, and a special part of it reserved for those who terrorize seniors.

Originally posted by Seeb

How is it not Robbery

It is a form of robbery in that the taking was combined with force and threat, but "home invasion" is also a specific felony with different degrees of aggravation.

I think they like to use robbery for forceful taking that occurs outside of one's dwelling.

In any case, it sounds like the charges incorporate the seriousness of the crime, with two first degree charges.
We have found that having HD video surveillance has helped really reduce the petty stuff around our neighborhood...

However, it only was reduced AFTER the local police were given jump drives that also showed up their response times (and the fact that they were on a couple of different video systems, going by a house that had a break-in minutes after the call in to 911, but not stopping at the residence for another 1/2 hour...they claimed they had not been in the neighborhood until the proof was supplied...
(added the officer that I talked to was genuinely surprised at the current quality...he had not expected that we could very much ID his vehicle from a home surveillance system...and these also are able to be remote over web.. something he did not realize until seeing the results!)

It is over a year now & most of the petty stuff is gone (although our neighborhood has a few mostly to totally unoccupied residences, only one is now a sometimes a target, as the owner does not have surveillance of the property...& our camera mount toward his property is no longer there, so no cameras are on it....amazing how "they" know which is being watched & which is not!)
Carey, do I have this right ,the cops got the report of the 911 call drove by minutes after the call,didn't stop to investigate till half hour later.Then denied being there the first time until shown video. Only reason I can figure is they were scared to confront the perps.No wonder so few people have respect for cops and accuse them of being worse than the criminals.Any update on the elders who got hurt or the investigation.I know this is not related to this recent incedent.Who knows maybe they drove by while the home invasion was happening and went for coffe before returning (safety first)I do know good cops and used to serve drinks to some of the best on pittsburgh's north side.

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