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Please, I'm begging you, DO NOT wave at the Kea'au bottleneck during afternoon rush hour. It makes the traffic jam much worse. This year, I will be complaining to your campaign offices if I see you out there. It doesn't exactly make me want to vote for you.
If this bugs any of you, make some noise.
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Bumping as it's starting now.
The bottleneck was especially bad today (Thurs, 6/12) I escaped it to go through the Acres. Were any of the candidates there?
I'd like to encourage people to contact the campaign offices and let them know it's not appreciated.
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It's very dangerous! A huge hazard! Quite unsafe! Very distracting! Rude and ignorant! Probably breaking some laws. Perhaps liable if an accident were to occur. Potential lawsuit if anyone was to be hurt.
I hope the candidates take note, thanks for posting this.
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I drove through there today around 5:30pm; the back-up was bad although not as bad as it has been on some days. No sign wavers that I saw although I can't say if there were any earlier. They were certainly there the other day (I didn't see which candidate - eyes on the traffic). My impression is that in the past drivers would honk their horns and wave but not so much now. I think many more are getting fed up with the delays there and know the sign waving makes things worse. I suspect there are no laws to prevent this happening though, so making candidates aware how thoughtless it is may be the best chance of changing things, so I'd certainly support those efforts.
I remember driving past quite a big wreck on Hwy 11 a few years back that happened by some sign wavers and saw many of them walking off clearly in shock. I'll try and find the relevant thread as I mentioned it here. I don't know if that wreck was caused by driver distraction, but it was on a normally safe part of the highway, so I wouldn't be surprised if distraction had contributed to the wreck.
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Relevant thread from a couple of years ago including my report of the accident/s I saw near sign wavers on Hwy 11:
PS. If any of you feel as strongly about this as clearly some of us do and see sign wavers at the bottleneck, please mention here which candidate they're waving for (if you can read the signs safely of course). At least this way we'll know who to contact and perhaps who not to vote for.
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I agree with you -- and it's not just the political folks either! They're all a hazard. I must admit though, Greggor Ilagan is the most entertaining of them all. That guy cracks me up. Where does he get all that energy at 6:30 am?
Un Mojado Sin Licencia
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This is the reason I cannot support Greggor, Puna's biggest traffic hazard. Maybe when he grows up!
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I dig Greggor's enthusiasm and energy. He got my vote last time and chances are quite good he will get my vote in the upcoming elections.
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Originally posted by Mendo
This is the reason I cannot support Greggor, Puna's biggest traffic hazard. Maybe when he grows up!
He was by the humane society this morning. This is where traffic speeds up considerably, and a lot of lane changing occurs. Fun to watch, but maybe at a different spot.
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I've noticed that in the last week or so, when I've crawled through the bottleneck heading south from Hilo, that there have been no sign wavers there. Just perhaps, and I mean perhaps, the candidates and their supporters are getting the message? I guess we'll find out in the next few weeks.