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RJ Hampton files for District 5
That's a narrow agenda of the general Punatic crowd. All the questions are around the same topics, anti-geothermal, anti-GMO, anti-government, anti-state, and so on. Those are all trigger questions that claim to be a priority with the community.

No, they aren't. The top priority for this county should be keeping back invasives. There is the coconut rhinoceros beetle spreading fast on Oahu now, a southeast asian beetle in California that eats all trees:
Tree-killing beetles attacking California's forests
What it looks like:

and now a Caribbean mosquito virus showing up in North Carolina. The link to Hawaii to these two is produce from California and the mosquito disease is rampant in Rasta land.

The only way to do this is decrease food imports from California and increase irradiation of imported raw food to this island. There are so many places infested with pests like the brown spider and brown snake in Guam. While the Punatics only see sickness and death all around Puna, we are actually in one of the most healthy environments. We need to do whatever can be done to try to keep all that mainland stuff on the respective mainlands. Repelling invasives should be priority one and natural disaster preparation should be number two. From there, are the nice to haves.

"This island Hawaii on this island Earth"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
Originally posted by Ken

Speaking of the whole past "anti-vaccination" group - of which RJ and her buddies, and lets not forget, along with what can only be described as one of the most dysfunctional Councils we ever had, check this out:

And now - there maybe a major breakout of measles in the last 20 years.

Leadership has consequences.

Add this news from yesterday:
California declares whooping cough epidemic

Remember, the anti-vaccine hypnotized zombie fad was driven by social media. It's too bad so many children are now dying from this anti-vaccine fad but it also demonstrates the awesome herd manipulation power of social media. It's almost as good as social media murder detectives.

"This island Hawaii on this island Earth"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
Originally posted by pahoated

The only way to do this..

Man do I hate that 'the only way' stuff.. seems every time I buy into it.. i.e. get all 'its the only wayish' about something I get so worked up.. hot and sweaty kine.. and then I commit to whatever that one way is... and bam! no sooner have I hit send.. or dialed the number.. or put it in the mailbox.. geeez opened my mouth! and bingo! another frickin way shows up! out of the blue... I mean bang and its right there.. front and center.. demanding my attention.. sheesh it don't have to demand.. its so much better than the now old defunct and shriveling original only way.. that I want to give it! All's to say.. be careful with them 'it's the only ways' brah.. they're feisty buggers!
1. Would you favor the building of a privately-owned prison on the Big Island?

Private prison operators are profit-driven, so they lobby for "zero tolerance" and "mandatory minimum sentencing", both of which are doing incredible damage to our former "rights and freedoms". This is the last thing we need.
Originally posted by pahoated

That's a narrow agenda of the general Punatic crowd. All the questions are around the same topics, anti-geothermal, anti-GMO, anti-government, anti-state, and so on. Those are all trigger questions that claim to be a priority with the community.

No, they aren't. The top priority for this county should be keeping back invasives. There is the coconut rhinoceros beetle spreading fast on Oahu now, a southeast asian beetle in California that eats all trees:
Tree-killing beetles attacking California's forests
What it looks like:

and now a Caribbean mosquito virus showing up in North Carolina. The link to Hawaii to these two is produce from California and the mosquito disease is rampant in Rasta land.

The only way to do this is decrease food imports from California and increase irradiation of imported raw food to this island. There are so many places infested with pests like the brown spider and brown snake in Guam. While the Punatics only see sickness and death all around Puna, we are actually in one of the most healthy environments. We need to do whatever can be done to try to keep all that mainland stuff on the respective mainlands. Repelling invasives should be priority one and natural disaster preparation should be number two. From there, are the nice to haves.

"This island Hawaii on this island Earth"

Thank goodness that we have such diversity of thought here in Puna.
It's a blessing that people that live here are suspect of the motives of all the things you suggest as being (a narrow agenda) in your post, that way we can look at opinions that differ from yours substantially, and have much science supporting them .
And your "invasive", position invites criticism since frequently the " cure", is worse than the disease for it invites slaughter of species that have already made there home here in Hawaii - think- cattle egret, barn owl, both of which are benign survivors.
Singer's position expressed here seems to be a better idea to many :
"We would let nature reach a balance with the new and old, while trying to guarantee endangered species the special conditions they need to survive".
The alternative, which is being pursued today by our government, is environmental war. There is also the risk of our violent environmental policy influencing our human policy. If we can’t show compassion, concern, and empathy for helpless birds whose sole crime is that their introduction was successful, then it won’t be long until we lose those same feelings for helpless people whose sole crime is that they are strangers in a strange land.
And "increase irradiation of imported raw food to this island", should also be challenged , as the emphasis should be on growing our own "healthy food", not wasted food.
Also (aerial spraying)imo , is responsible in my area at least, for the bad health of coconut palms, and the rapid, site specific, outright death of the Ohias, especially along the ridge line over looking lower Opihikao. I have filmed much ufo spraying activity over that ridge line.
And your comment :"mosquito disease is rampant in Rasta land", seems inappropriate to me, at least.
"And your "invasive", position invites criticism since frequently the " cure", is worse than the disease for it invites slaughter of species that have already made there home here in Hawaii - think- cattle egret, barn owl, both of which are benign survivors."

Uhm, no. A few seconds of googling shows that the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service thinks differently about cattle egrets and barn owls:
Predation by cattle egrets on native Hawaiian birds has been well documented. There have been repeated observations of cattle egrets eating Hawaiian stilt, coot and moorhen chicks, and koloa ducklings. In upland areas cattle egrets have been documented preying upon chicks of Hawaii’s native owl – the pueo. Chicks in seabird colonies have been forced to regurgitate meals for cattle egrets, and the chicks themselves are also taken. Cattle egrets also compete with some seabirds for nesting habitat, creating a possibility for disease transmission.

Barn owls in the continental United States are known as rodent specialists, but barn owls introduced to the Hawaiian Islands quickly adapted to foraging on native birds. Seabird predation by barn owls has been documented on endangered and non-endangered native seabirds, endangered waterbirds, and forest birds such as the honeycreeper.
Wow dude, I was talking about keeping out of Hawaii, the nasty pests that are showing up on the mainlands. You got a problem with that?

If this descends into a "poor putty tat" wallering, cats, barn owls, egrets are hardly going extinct. The same can't be said of almost 300 endangered indigenous bird species now. The Kona coffee growers are going to start trying out some African fungus to kill coffee borer beetle. Fire ants managed to make it here via Puna. It was Puna hunters that schemed to bring axis deer here. Seems like Puna has a long ways to go to show they actually care for the aina, rather than babble that as newspeak.

"This island Hawaii on this island Earth"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*

I was shown that list of questions a few days ago. It occurred to me that each of them is a leading question that ends in entrapment. A simple exercise is to re-frame each question e.g.

"What can be done to reduce the amount of solid waste created in Hawaii County?"
Re-frame Ques.
How can we better manage the waste of an increasing population?

Cute, you might say, but what I'm getting at is the fact that there are perspectives other than BIC's and when these, and other, issues are examined broadly the results may be more inclusive.
Un Mojado Sin Licencia
Thanks for that JohnDW.
Since this is my page and most of you are in dreamland I thought I would review why all the Anti-Hydraulic Fracturing Bills died and the Geothermal resource bill died. It had a piece of bad legislation attached to it. Here is my take.

In 2013 SB 371 definition of "Hydraulic fracturing" means the process of pumping a fluid into or under the surface of the ground in order to create fractures in rock for the purpose of producing or recovering oil or gas.
SB 375 had the exact definition of "Hydraulic fracturing" means the process of pumping a fluid into or under the surface of the ground in order to create fractures in rock for the purpose of producing or recovering oil or gas.
So these two anti-hydraulic fracturing bills were carried over to the next session January 2014
Then SB2940 was introduced and a whole new exact definition "Hydraulic fracturing" means a drilling operation into an underground geologic formation and the injection of fluids, gases, chemicals, sand, or any other substance with the intention to cause or enhance fractures in the geologic formation for the purpose of instigating or increasing the porosity or permeability of the geologic formation to initiate or increase the production of a desired commodity from a well. Hydraulic fracturing is also known as "fracking", "hydro-fracking", "hydro-fracturing", "hydro-shearing", "hydraulic shearing", "hydro-stimulation", or "enhanced geothermal drilling"
HB 2359 was introduced and it had the exact definition "Hydraulic fracturing" means a drilling operation into an underground geologic formation and the injection of fluids, gases, chemicals, sand, or any other substance with the intention to cause or enhance fractures in the geologic formation for the purpose of instigating or increasing the porosity or permeability of the geologic formation to initiate or increase the production of a desired commodity from a well. Hydraulic fracturing is also known as "fracking", "hydro-fracking", "hydro-fracturing", "hydro-shearing", "hydraulic shearing", "hydro-stimulation", or "enhanced geothermal drilling"
I thought this was very strange and then it got stranger SB 2663 SECTION 18. The Hawaii Revised Statutes is amended by adding a new chapter to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:"Hydraulic fracturing" means a drilling operation into an underground geologic formation and the injection of fluids, gases, chemicals, sand, or any other substance with the intention to cause or enhance fractures in the geologic formation for the purpose of instigating or increasing the porosity or permeability of the geologic formation to initiate or increase the production of a desired commodity from a well; provided that this term shall not include a drilling operation into an underground geologic formation for the purpose of obtaining drinking water. Hydraulic fracturing is also known as "fracking", "hydro-fracking", "hydro-fracturing", "hydro-shearing", "hydraulic shearing", "hydro-stimulation", or "enhanced geothermal drilling".
So if you are still with me I will give you my take on this definition how did it change and why? Here is whats wrong with the 2014 definition ready set go!

SB2940....HB2359....SB 2663

Once upon a time there were three bills, SB2940 and HB2359 they are dead both are about banning Hydraulic drilling. By my observation both were flawed. Now there is a bill that relates to Natural Resources, to be specific geothermal resources bill SB 2663 and I noticed the Hydraulic fracturing bill was tagged on to SB2663 this is an anti geothermal bill that bans every hopeful solution to our small kind innovations for cooling and heating and small kind electrical needs. and another thing it will prohibit Hydraulic shearing which is a sheet metal term!smile.

The part of the bill that states Hydraulic fracturing is also known as....Hydraulic fracturing and Hydro-shearing are two related but very different techniques for creating a system of fractures in underground rock deposits. Fracking or fracturing actually involves actual breaking of rocks. Hydro-shearing widens existing cracks in rock formations, that is a big difference. Why ban a process that does not require gels or harmful chemicals. If it were to be used here it would not be producing fossil fuels but hot water heated by the hot rocks underground.

Hydro-fracturing has to do with water it is used to maintain water levels it is used to access clean  drinking water. It is a well development process that involves injecting water under high pressure into a bedrock formation via the well. They ban this then what happens when a well is obstructed by silt or deposits will they be able to use hydro-fracturing equipment?
Hydro-fracking is a process invented by Halliburton and Schlumberger Messina Inc. It is slick water hydraulic fracturing for natural gas extraction.
Hydro shearing works at lower pressure and without the fracking chemicals it uses non-toxic tracers shearing works by reducing friction on natural rock fractures.
I already covered hydraulic shearing that has to do with cutting sheet metal!
Enhanced geothermal drilling no such animal the term is enhanced geothermal systems (EGS).
How can all of these words and processes be the same as hydraulic fracturing?
Last but not least ask yourself is there a difference between pumping and drilling?
Reason why I ask is because hydraulic fracturing is not a drilling operation it is a pumping operation to be specific... get that chapter out of 2263.
Passing this bill with the language in this section will have the geological scientific community laughing their collective asses off.
Is this important? Why was it changed? Who made up this definition? Let me say this; gold
don't glitter in the field you have to know what it looks like. Just my two cents folks. Legislation has to be TIGHT.

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