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Anything Acres
the one on S.Kulani is (down)

I believe the S Kulani rock would technically be on the "Old Volcano Trail", ownership of which is disavowed by both County and State, so no permission needed there.
no it is just the one thats down so as far as anyone can tell its ok to try to organize some sort of re-erection? not that we are actually concerned with the rules and regs as presumably the 'property owner' must have agreed to it originally and it is a very nice stone.

I did not write the original post in this venue with the sobriquet "Putinsinput", but with my name under it. I did not know I had a ghostwriter.
A usually enlightening exercise: I crawled into a deep hot soaker with this puzzle, "Who could write so exactly what I'd say or have already said?" Emerging from the tub, I knew who it was. The date and time of the post were big clues. :>) Later, I confronted the culprit and had confirmation. My PC was furtively used--not hacked.
Whether "Anonymous" or "Rumplestiltskin", how does anyone "know" who "really" writes what in this forum? "Reality" and belief are relative to emotional conditioning, at least. Many messages in internet forums are emotional ventilations only and have no other effect. People believe what they want to or what seems to fit or feel right. Some of us could crash into a door jamb and claim the jamb crashed into us or we were pushed.
As we all "know", our minuscule niche of "reality" is the only real reality, and anyone who disagrees is sick, evil, crazy, or merely deluded. Just the facts, ma'am.

John Lehnert
John Lehnert
That's all to much subtifuge for me. There appears to be more than one player in this game of internet charades. There is a lady called Susan involved in all this but I do not know her ( but if you are reading this I would dearly like to talk to you). Although you are right about reality being subjective, there is a difference between that and lies and deceit. God had given us all an instinctual and innate knowledge of the difference between right and wrong. In my experience right and wrong are circumstantial. What is right in one set of circumstances is wrong in another. This is why we are so warned against judging each other. Some of these disputes go back 20+ yrs. the only thing that matters is what IS not what WAS. Even the macdonalds deserve our compassion or at least our acceptance. I am at a complete loss as to how anybody made it ok to involve either boards in this madness. The only 'rules' that apply are the rules of community responcibility and aloha. All the time we are quoting 'roberts' or creating law suits we are missing the point. If we all concentrate on our own honor instead of everybody else's maybe we can make real positive change. My aloha to you.

I just spoke with Mr. Lehnart. I informed him yesterday of "his" post on punaweb yesterday morning - he claimed suprise which I accepted and today sent him a screen grab of "his" post only to find a disclaimer under the same name and again mimicing exactly his personna to a tee - like the earlier post. On the phone I was told this ws a friend in HPP that I do not know that thought it would be amusing to quote Mr. Lehnart and post in his name. Advice to Mr. Lehnart - stay away from HPP, know your "friends" better, seriously.

geoffrey wells
geoffrey wells
Found on Craigslist :

Hawaiian Acres Community security announcement (Hawaiian Acres)

Beware of people trespassing claiming to be broke down. And asking for help.
Don't be fooled.
Ask them where they came from or where there heading. They had to come into the acres for a reason. If they can't even answer that then their up to no good.
They ask for gas, phone, or directions.
If any strangers roaming the neighborhood, If you have a phone, take a photo. Approach and question. Note the time.
Communicate with your neighbors.
We need to watch out for each other and keep the acres safe.
And also watch out for Eric Smith.
Rides a bike, carries a small gas can. White, scruffy lookin mid thirties, mid Brown hair. Stay tuned for a Hawaiian Acres Community watch website
#77 are so in over your head !
You want everyone to conclude that right and wrong are a matter of circumstance ? Following that shallow thought process would mean that the killing of six million Jews was due to circumstance, and was neither right or wrong... that is simply pathological. What "honor" is there in that ! Please don't even attempt an answer. just stick to the simple topics.
2bad4u, now thats quite a leap you made there from birchl's post to better check the water level in your own pool.
Mimosa, thank you so much for the information. We will certainly keep a look out. Geoff and John - so even the second post is 'forgery' ?? I am at a complete loss for words and believe me that doesn't happen a lot!!
Fishinjim, please do not fret on my behalf. I care not what these people say. To everybody, this thread is the lighthearted one. I really don't want everybody in the world to think people who live here are all stark staring mad. A little madness is a good thing of course, and I mean no disrespect to any mad people living or dead Smile my aloha to you all (including JusttheBad4U). it's another beautiful day in paradise. Be happy.

I think it's too bad MC is gone. He was the only one who would put 2bad4u in her place even though he went over the top to do it.

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