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I was considering applying to do work trade with Hawaii Sustainable Community Alliance.I have to admit it sounds a little cultish to me.Any of you Punatics have any info on this group good or bad?As always thanks in advance.
Be very careful -- "sustainability" is code for all manner of building/planning exemptions, up to and including "build a Home Depot on Kehene Beach".

I know it's true because I read it right here in these forums, which are on the Internet.
HSCA is S.P.A.C.E. and several other associated activities.

Their main position is that only unpermitted structures provide sustainable living. Their primary effort has been to get the illegal legalized because it is "better" for Puna. Their goal has been to get the county code so that ghettofication is sanctioned by the county council, and having failed that, tried to get it through state legislation.

This video is 3 years old but nothing has really changed about their objectives. Also, notice how everything is "free".

There aren't any details but HSCA is having a multitude of problems, including financial, after their state senate bill attempt failed. It's kind of dumb to say they are doing everything illegal but if the state makes it legal, then it's OK, except when the state doesn't make it legal, and they are left with their brags blowing in the breeze.

"This island Hawaii on this island Earth"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
As I recall Belly Acres had to bring their buildings up to code to acquire the permit to build their SPACE facility.

There is a sincere movement among a good number of people to make "alternative" structures legal in some way. I can understand that. Current codes cause any home to price at levels the unemployed and under employed can't afford. So I see the motive. I have also seen people build unsafe shacks and rent them out making them slumlords in my opinion.

Meanwhile the county has generally turned a blind eye to many illegal constructions only citing them when a complaint is filed. What the county's motive is I do not know.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
What the county's motive is I do not know.

County seems very concerned that (1) someone will demand the services for which their taxes are supposedly used, or (2) someone will somehow evade payment of those taxes.

The compromise seems to be: you can live as unpermitted as you like, as long as nobody can see you, nobody complains, and (most important) you never request any publicly-funded services.

I suspect that many of the people living in "unpermitted" situations would simply be priced out of the market entirely, such that County would have to deal with more homelessness -- it's cheaper to simply ignore the unpermitted shacks.

I have also seen people build unsafe shacks

Another aspect of the problem: there is ZERO oversight unless fully permitted (with all the license-fee-inspection that implies), so absolutely no safety or sanitation requirements are imposed on the unpermitted.

This county is riddled with counterexamples in both directions: I've seen "unpermitted" structures that were built above and beyond all code requirements and fully compliant with zoning (height, setbacks, etc), and I've seen "permitted" buildings that should never have passed inspection, with issues that were both clearly visible and obvious to a non-professional.

HSCA's lobby for a State-level bill was in response to County's refusal to grant them the same consideration -- funny how County insists on "home rule" only when it suits them. The anti-"sustainability" folks did manage to flood the press with outlandishly inaccurate claims about what would be "allowed" by the State bill -- while also completely failing to mention that the State bill did not, in fact, allow anything: it merely directs County to create a permit process, while also allowing County to assert any and all additional requirements. We will never know how that might have turned out.

Rumor has it the SPACE market will be shut down by the end of this month. I really hope the nearby residents file suit against County's "no permission" posture.
OK then sounds like it may not be up my ally,they do make it sound nice though.You wouldnt know their objectives from the Craigs list add.If they cant be upfront and not misleading its usually best to pass.Thanks for the heads up.
There are layers and layers of local politics surrounding this group that would probably have no bearing on your experience working with them. Many people have positive personal experiences with them, and other people raise objections to them without having had any personal experience with them. Remember that and take any opinions offered with a grain of salt.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Fair enough Carol, should always decide for yourself I guess. My real concern was the Cult like add on craigs list.

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