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cat shootings
"I have no sympathy. I've said it before and I'll say it again: You don't mess with a man's cats. That's just wrong"

Oh hell, that's nothing. Try reading some of DickWilson's comments. [:0]
It sounds like he is getting up close and personal with a lot of stray cats. Someday he will encounter the magic turd and the toxoplasma gondii will take hold. Warm fuzzy cat love will transform him and his rage will be toward those who would dare to harm them.

The revolving door system constantly returning these felonious felines into society to re-offend over and over. When will the madness stop? Next will come the three strikes and they're out with three hots and a cot for life. They will join the Baby Boomers at the Stairway to Heaven facilities biding their time waiting for their day and a graceful exit from burden upon society.
Well, people haven't started smoking magic cat turds yet, so I guess the DEA doesn't have to get involved.[Wink]
I can't believe how inconsiderate some people can be. A neighbor family down the road from me just moved back to the mainland and left their 8 cats behind, what a bunch of a**holes! All we need is more cats in the neighborhood.
If Cat distemper gets to Big Island.... cat population will greatly decrease - highly contagious, and virus lives a long time.

- see this news -

If you have a cat, get them the distemper shot soon.
Yes, distemper and the FIV (feline AIDS) virus is a major unplanned population control on the cats. About every 3 in 10, maybe more, ferals are infected with the virus on the mainland, and their is no cure. The number I chose came from a neighbor vet who traps them, takes to his hospital, tests, neuters, and releases back to the wild, and the number is just the ratio he found in our neighborhood. I had a personal cat who contracted the virus from a feral in a fight, and it was a tough downhill road for the poor guy, ended up having to put him down. So in all, be sure to have your cat up on all vaccinations(dogs too!) and keep a copy handy at home for reference. Especially for dogs if a bite happens. You have a copy for the dog bite victim to prove fido is current on rabies, greatly diminishing the panicked conversation immediately after the bite. And to all, my cat is an inside one, but wears a bright orange collar with a "tear away" clasp in case he gets out chasing a bug. Kind of like a hunting vest of his kind, but not enough room to have "Dick Cheney Hunting Academy" printed on it!

Are you a human being, or a human doing?
Wonder if the distemper is already here? Saw a couple of feral cats that tend to be in the area, both very young. They looked super healthy a couple months ago and now they are really sickly looking, kind of wandering around like they are drunk, moving very slowly, wobbling kind of walk. Haven't seen them in a few weeks.

"This island Hawaii on this island Earth"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
Maybe they ate slugs.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
The following study by researchers at UH seems relevant. Euthanization accomplishes in 2 or 3 years what TNR takes 30 years to accomplish, and is cheaper too.


Darn cats.

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