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FJ.......that was not leap, it was a analogy. If you choose to buy into birchl's ignorance than do so.
Jeff......your joking right ! MC is incapable of putting anyone in their place. He needs to spend his time working on his mental health issues. That is all consuming in it's self.
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Why don't you corroborate your story with your other handle like you so often do. 2bad4u will say something, then think about it and log on with her other handle, justthefax and be the very next post. Like saying yea, I agree with myself.
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Please, please, ALL of you stop responding to 2Bad4Justthemadness!! At least not here. Her posts speak for themselves. This thread is about community responsibility and ALOHA. It does not have a subject other than that, but if what you post cannot be put under one of those headings than maybe start a different thread. This is such an awesome place to live. Fishinjim you are going to love it here. WHL, MC has only been suspended so I expect he will be back.
I want to change the subject back to the feasibility of life stock. Baa baa lambs in particular. Lets say two, girl and boy. Is half an acre of mostly lush grass and bamboo orchid clumps sufficient to support them? Do they even eat bamboo orchids? What sort of sheep are available that like this microclimate? What else will they eat? Will I have to lose all my plants? What is the downside to having free roaming sheep in my garden? Chickens- if I convert the doghouse into a chicken condo will I be able to live with the smell?

my aloha to you all.
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Internet - dish is $60 pm for 20 gb, 10 peak and 10 off peak. If we bundle it with actual Telly it is $112pm. Our concern is the fact that we do not have constant electric. We have inverters and generaters If we get dish, are we going to have to reset it all each time we switch it back on? Mimosa do your grand kids have electrickery? Does anybody else run dish off grid? Much aloha everyone.
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Actually, you called this thread "Anything Acres" so it's the logical place for HA folk to vent.
You might want to stop reading it if someone upsets you so much--or at least don't respond to them; don't you think your anguished responses might make them happy? Don't give them that!
I know you started the thread, but it no thread belongs to any one person, and it's going to go where it goes. Save your sanity!
And you might consider posting your sheep and goats questions in the farm and garden section
There are probably people who can help you with the ovine crowd, but are steering clear of anything to do with the acres.
Originally posted by birchl
This thread is about community responsibility and ALOHA. It does not have a subject other than that, but if what you post cannot be put under one of those headings than maybe start a different thread.
I want to change the subject back to the feasibility of life stock. Baa baa lambs in particular. Lets say two, girl and boy. Is half an acre of mostly lush grass and bamboo orchid clumps sufficient to support them? Do they even eat bamboo orchids? What sort of sheep are available that like this microclimate? What else will they eat? Will I have to lose all my plants? What is the downside to having free roaming sheep in my garden? Chickens- if I convert the doghouse into a chicken condo will I be able to live with the smell?
my aloha to you all.
><(((*> ~~~~ ><(("> ~~~~ ><'> ~~~~ >(>
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Thank you lee and you are right if course. I will check out the farm section thanks for the info. As for the rest of it, all I meant was that there was so much more to living here than arguing about the roads and HACA. There are plenty of threads specific to those subjects. I might be being naive, but is it really going to be impossible to have a thread about HA that reflects the true nature of the acres. I am not upset by anyone's post and I firmly believe everyone has a right to their view and a right to voice it. This is not MY thread, but it is my community. HA is not being fairly reflected.
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Birch...u must be in your glory......blind leading blind. You are such a hypocrite
You've gone out of your way to speak negatively about others (I doubt u even know) each time you got the chance, intentionally attempting to create more problems in this community than already exist. Then turn around and want others to believe you are some belovent soul. Your not. You are a trouble maker and a gossip. You don't deserve anyones respect, but then again, water ALWAYS seeks it's own level.
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2bad4u, At a glance you seem to be more antagonistic than most here. Relax. Try just letting others have their opinions without criticizing.
Assume the best and ask questions.
Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.
Punaweb moderator
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birch , your opening remarks when you first arrived on this blog , were people needed to get a life rather than waste time on the keyboard making posts all day . well i must say you have more then outdone yourself on the postings.
and you have not held back in calling out certain people , i can see why you need some sheep to mow your lawn . you just dont seem to have the time for any work. to busy hammering away on the keys . sorta a slash and burn on the neighbors .