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Little Black Ants

They're indestructible !

Not sure what you call them here, but I've known them as SUGAR ants. They are tiny, and in the kitchen. Ive cleaned, bleached, and sprayed with Home Defense. Nothing.

Any suggestions ?
Maxforce Complete granules from Farm Coop. In the house, ants loved these so much they carried them back to their nest, a couple of hours later there were no more ants. (Some ants will suck the poison and leave the granule, end result is the same.)

For spray (especially in the kitchen) I like EcoSMART from Home Depot; it's a mix of essential oils, would probably work as a dessert topping, completely safe around food/kids/pets. Green/white can.
We haven't had any issues (yet) in our house with ants or any other insects. However, when we were camping on our property the insects were maddening. Bayer Advanced worked wonders for the yard and around the camping area. It's also safe around pets after it's dried. (We have cats, so this was a concern.)

When we lived in a rental house here, we had those tiny ants. I kept spraying them with windex (only thing I had on hand at the time), and it seemed to work.


Lead by example
After you eat an apple, drizzle liquid spinozad (fungus) onto the core, and leave it on their trails. It will take about a week, but they should track it back to their nest and it does work. (I think this is a totally all natural option, but I am not an expert)
I know its crude ...but I use w-D40 works like a champ,stays there even during the rain.....
Mix 1/2 cup sugar, 1.5 Tblsp Borax powdered soap, and 1.5 cups water. Boil it for a few minutes. Let it cool, it should thicken up a bit, and then just drizzle a bit onto any ant trails. Little guys go lolo over it. Unfortunately, they go home, share it with their little ant ohana, and they all die. There's a lesson in there somewhere[8D]

1.5 Tblsp Borax powdered soap
Just use Roach Ridd AKA Boric Acid, sugar and water. I also mix the boric acid with peanut butter and a lighter oil (butter?) for the big fire ants and tiny ghost ants. I don't know if it would work on LFA. During times of drought if ants are coming in for water, plain boric acid and water works but has to be rehydrated frequently.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
I also use WD-40. Never heard of anyone else doing this, so I guess "great minds think alike"!
Originally posted by unknownjulie

I also use WD-40. Never heard of anyone else doing this, so I guess "great minds think alike"!

Windex keeps them away for a day or two if you clean the counters with itSmile

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