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time to stock up on toilet paper?
Thank the (insert your choice here) for mr Boeing and 3 day priority - grin

If they keep raising the rates everything will be flown here - amazes me to see super fresh cherries from Chile at 10 dollars a pound - pricey but so is a good steak.....
There is a little known plant that is considered a weed here that can be used as TP,it has other medicinal properties as well.
It comes from Fiji and has soft aromatic fuzzy leaves,it can be used as polstice on open wounds or also try comfry (sp) as a TP replacement.
Yellow pages work well also,or white pages in the phone book,bamboo type paper can be re used 100 times when put in the washer and most stores carry this and if not can order online.
We always have 4 months supply of TP and also stock up on rice and propane for those off grid .
4 months supply is the minimum everyone should have in case of disruption in the supply lines to Hawaii the Island.So yu are not caught with your proverbial pants down.
Lucky we live Hawaii
I keep eyeing the 'Ape. There is 16 footer over on the "south 50" - always have a plan b - especially on an island.
Mullein (V. thapsus)is a Eur/Asian plant that has traveled around the word due to it's therapeutic and "soft wipe" reputation. Often stands of mullein plants are found around former outhouse locations (there are actually archeologist that look for these nowadays!) The soft fuzzy (pubescent) leaves are even soft (enough)when old & dry.

The great news is that it is a plant that has made it here, and is one of the plants that is showing some really cool "island morphisms". Profs. Juvik have noted its shape changing over decades & have authored many papers on it. Here is a link to one to get you started
Forget tp - what a waste of paper - get a bidet.
i remember the last dock strike it was (embarrassed to say ) over 20 years ago. yes it shut down everything . and people with ties to mainland had things air mailed to them . it was bad then , lasted awhile , but with such a huge population here now , it will be way worse,,,way worse.
They do this every couple of years. And they always settle before actually striking.
Originally posted by justthefacts

i remember the last dock strike it was (embarrassed to say ) over 20 years ago. yes it shut down everything . and people with ties to mainland had things air mailed to them . it was bad then , lasted awhile , but with such a huge population here now , it will be way worse,,,way worse.

I though the last dock strike/slowdown was in 2002 - right at the beginning of Bldg boom.... every stick of lumber usable was purchased from all the suppliers... barely a 2x4 to be found and HD wasnt around yet.

But maybe it didnt turn into a full-fledged strike though.... just a slow down.
Hubby just tried to stop into Costco after work...not a parking spot to be had....

Either they are having a very unusually good Monday afternoon sale.... or there is an unusually large amount of people shopping Costco right now.... It is usual for him to get gas there after work, soo..... maybe there are many people stocking up now for this or very early 4th prep!


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