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Yellow jackets/wasps
We got a nest of something nasty in the lava rock crack. We tried spraying wasp poison down the crack but all that did was upset them. We tried burying the crack with mud but they are still buzzing about so there must be more than one way in. They are very small, and very aggressive. To matters worse I suffer from localized allergic reaction, which basically means if I get stung I swell up like a balloon. Any suggestions?

If your brave, a little bit of paint thinner down the hatch and a match tossed onto it. Just like lighting a BBQ. "Suit up" to cover as much flesh as possible for bite minimization, tape/rubber band cuffs, beanie, or cloth paint hood (hdwe store), paper mask and goggles should wrap you up. I do the same suit up when I have to spray, but use an appropriate filter mask. I then wash all in hot water and Dawn dish soap to re use.

Community begins with Aloha
Forgot gloves.

Community begins with Aloha
Start an underground forest fire?? That should sort the little buggers out!!

Depends on how much "duff" you have. You had mentioned lava, so I assumed all was safe, and you were just "torching" the nest.

Community begins with Aloha
It's a little difficult to explain. It's a crack in a lava bubble berm that basically surrounds our house. We are in a kind of dip in the middle. At the top of this edge is a deep crack up to 2' wide and 6-8' deep. We have filled that crack with rocks. Somewhere in there we have a nest. Smile

We have just set out two homemade traps, one with beer and molasses, and one with cola. I will keep you posted. Smile

Dang, couldn't even tarp and gas them! Hope the trap works, or at least gives you a start for a "source trail" back to their nesting area, more specific. Keep us posted!

Community begins with Aloha
Where is Billy the Exterminator when you need him?
Call Vector Control in Hilo.A state agency .I think via Dept of Ag.
They will come out and spray toxic poison in the crack and it is free.
They will cover over the area and leave.
Ground wasps are nasty and need to be taken seriously.
Only Vector Control will do all correctly.
Problem solved

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