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Yellow jackets/wasps
Wow. Thank you mimosa!! I will ring them first thing tomorrow. I didn't know such thing existed so I am very grateful. The first time I was stung I was weed whacking the area and was swarmed by them, receiving some dozen or so stings on the arm and hand I was defending myself with. My arm swelled to what seemed like bursting point, stayed that way for a week, and nearly drove me insane with constant pain and itching all over. The next time I was only stung by one, but the reaction was almost as severe. They are steadily increasing in numbers. I let you know how it turns out Smile

Be really carefully in the future about hornet and wasp stings, these kinds of repeated exposures with increasing reactions can mean you are developing an allergy, and when you live in a rural area anaphylactic shock is nothing to mess with, it can kill you before help can get there. I know because that is how I became allergic to all stinging insects.

If there is a cigarette smoker in the house I have found that putting a polstice of wet tobacco can counter act the poison of the sting, you can watch the red area recede before your eyes, both topical and oral benedryl help if you do it right away, and you might want to think about getting an epi pen and keep it handy when you work in the yard, it can be a literal lifesaver!

The vector control people were really helpful to us twice, they are an efficient and effective use of our tax dollars.

edited to silly typos

Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
This will work for certain: Pour kerosene in during night time hours. You need not light it. In fact I would discourage it. Simply the Kerosene smell will drive them out and they WILL relocate.
The first step of pest control is to know your pest. What species is it, is it really harmful (to people presumably), is it really necessary to kill off or not?

If you can't honestly answer these questions then what are you trying to kill and why? Is it simply fear of the unknown?

Different species require different treatments to extinguish colonies of living creatures and maybe you should start at the beginning rather than the end.
Carol, that is one of my concerns. The research I did suggested that kind of severe localized reaction is insect specific and although frightening, is not dangerous and is not 'accumulative'. I think I need to a) identify the species involved and b) get in touch with the poison center to enquire about the possibility of developing anaphylactic shock! I let you know what tomorrows phone calls bring. Smile

Those are ground wasps and very aggressive . While Pin finding we were attacked . we determined the underground nest by daylight as you can feel them underground by vibrations and noise . They can occupy an acre per nest . Finding their entrances in daylight we went out at night and stuck cans of RAID right down into hole . Worked great . Otherwise call vector control . They are as vicious as killer bees and will kill domestic bee hives . Organically be careful starting underground fires

Not to be taken lightly. The last words a friend of mine's husband said, as he called to her was, "Where's the wasp spray?" THUMP. Dead on the floor. Never had a bad reaction before that. Seriously, get help on this. Not worth taking them on yourself.
Vector Control - Department of Ag in Hilo.A state agency.
Home remedies are ok but really allow your tax dollars to work for you.
My wife swells up like a balloon and has heart palpitations from just one sting of a ground wasp,so before you need to get to the ER via ambulance or driving your own self,if you make it,call vector control 1sthing in morning and let the state professionals take care of your ground wasp situation.
Very serious and not to be messed with.
Well, that was interesting. Vector control basically no longer exists. They stopped being able to do such things 4 years ago when they were all laid off under budget cuts. Prior to that they had been dealing with these types of problems for some twenty/thirty years. They could therefore only advise that I called in a professional or got a member of my family to help (meaning I think 'set a man on it' Smile ) so more research on the best poisons then? Keep emptying cans of spray into the cracks at night? I hate the thought of adding more toxins to the planet, but I can't see that there could be Eco- friendly solutions to this. Also called to make an appointment with a new doctor. Have to wait unit Aug 6. Hopefully I don't 'drop down dead' before then. I must thank you all for the input though. It is much appreciated.

Is tarping possible over the crack to concentrate the spray if you know a source point from where they are coming up and out?

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