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hate van in hilo
They say that the Westboro Church with their "God hates fags" signs were inadvertantly one of the best things that happened to the gay rights movement. They forced people to confront their own prejudices and decide who they really wanted to be aligned with. Like Lavalava says "give him enough rope"...Leave him be. Ignore him. The more you notice him the more important he feels.
Well Said Mr Epperson and Lavalava .
What gets me is no one protests about the Porn shoppe directly across the street on the corner.Right next to the down town park for the children.
Nor does Mr Borden and his hate truck ever say anything in his visual pollution about the Porn shoppe right next to him.
Yes we agree,just ignore Mr crazy pay S.S.I.
Your tax dollars hard at work .
the Porn shoppe directly across the street

I remember when that store was forced to move from its Keaau location ... because it was so "inappropriate" to have it across from the school "where children might see it".

He wasn't there yesterday most likely because his cheesy paper signs would have gotten wet. Probably won't be back until the rain lets up. Seems like a fair-weather hater.
"Fair-weather hater," lol. Love it. Smile

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius

His "church" has no congregation to preach to. If you comment, he has gotten your attention, thus, an open door....

Community begins with Aloha
It could make a good opportunity for parents to discuss intolerance with their children.

Originally posted by KathyH

...I don't think it is cool to park it right by the kids' playground. Putting abortion in the face of seven year olds, teaching hate and fear of others to young children is sad.

><(((*> ~~~~ ><(("> ~~~~ ><'> ~~~~ >(>
Here's a new development in this story you might be interested in reading:

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
Thanks Jon! Made my morning :-)

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