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Quote kjpahoa:
"Oh, please tell us what positive changes she has made for Puna. I don't think that publishing the BIC can be considered a positive change. In the 15 years I have been in Puna, I can't remember seeing or hearing anything about contributions to Puna by Tiffany."
Here are some;
Organized Roadside trash pick ups, advocated equal funding for charter schools, put on keiki surf contests and film festivals, promoted gender equality, provided a forum for diverse thought, serves on the BOD of the Puna Medical clinic, promoted fund raising events for said clinic, developed her own "crime stoppers" network in Pahoa town, sponsored skate contests, provided a free venue for local non profits to promote events...........etc. I'm sorry you've missed out on these things. Have you tried turning off your television?
I ask again; What positives have any of the other District 5 candidates done?
I sincerely hope that one day, some one here will answer with something other than Tiffany talk. Really, please, give me something.....
And Kathy, please don't back peddle and tell me you didn't promote the racist Hawaiian conspiracy theories in the tragic murder case. You were right there babbling(inaccurately) about moon phases and other ridiculous theories that suggested that Bo was set up and killed by local Hawaiians. You and the mouse guy did nothing but muddy the waters and delay any closure for any of the victims family.
When Tiffany used the phrase "armchair detectives" and introduced statements from Brittany's family that discredited you and the others involved; You suddenly lost all the love.
Before you accuse me of "attacking" you, go back and read the transcripts and see that I'm just the messenger.
Snorkle, you're an incorrect messenger. You clearly know nothing about my interaction with Tiffany over time.
Your ideas about the Lack lawsuit are completely off base. I haven't talked about that or responded because Rob has a rule that we can't discuss persons he has banned from this site, because they aren't able to respond. You're breaking that rule and putting me in a place where I can't explain how wrong you are without breaking the rule, which is extremely unfair of you.
It might surprise quite a few to hear the real story of what transpired with the cyber harassment case and how Tiffany handled it. If you want it, email me ... Nothing about it was to help or defend me, nor did it help me, contrary to what snorkle thinks.
Snorkle, I don't even remember the phrase armchair detective from Tiffany , but it would not be something that would rankle with me. Tiffany and I had emailed about the case at one point, something else you don't know. You jump to a lot of conclusions and see everything through your own lens. Don't presume to be inside my head. Clearly you and I have radically different thought processes.
You are incorrect about Bo's family wanting the conversation to end so they could get closure. I have plenty of emails from them to the contrary and thanking me for speaking up for their family. They have not found any closure still. But that is far afield of the Council race and doesn't belong here. Rob locked those topics, remember? It is wrong of you to throw accusations at me that involve closed topics of conversation, as again I cannot fully answer and still honor Rob's moderation decision.
The fact that all you can do with my comments on Tiffany's method of conducting herself is to slur my motives and ask people to ignore me for that reason, is a classic signal that you have nothing of substance to say that replies to my points. My question is why do my points make you so hysterical that you're desperately throwing whatever you can at me? Enough already with the ad hominem attacks and focus on the substance.
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I only know what I read here and in Tiffany's blog; (A community resource used by you, by the way). I stick to what I said, and anyone who has the time can look up the archives here.
I'm still waiting to hear something positive about other District 5 candidates.
edit; BTW, my reference about closure to the family of the victims was about Brittany's family, not necessarily the perpetrators family.
PS. snorkle mentioned lane thinks I was acting as grammar police on Tiffany, again completely missing the point. Tiffany is educated and her understanding of grammar is good and well above the standard (if there were one) for Puna councilperson.
What I have noticed is that she has been dumbing down her literacy skills for her campaign PR , at least for some of it. That has to be deliberate, because she knows better.
As for the "gonna" and "wanna" in the article, that comment was really about the author, who was helping to promote Tiffany, making a choice to transcribe the spoken words as dialect instead of proper English. Maybe they were said that way and maybe not. The effect though is kind of folksy. It meant it reminded me of how Dylan and other folksingers would use wanna and gonna and so forth to sound more "of the people" and less like college grads.
Tiffany knows very well how to speak formal English and correctly use capital letters and punctuation. I'm not following her writing trying to point out little slips such as we all make. (Nor would I seek to embarrass any candidate for grammatical errors. I listen to what they have to say.) When a literate candidates dumbs herself down, I wonder if she thinks the voters want that, and what does that say about her evaluation of the voters?
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Jeez Kathy, once again you accuse me of "attacking". I've been defending. It seems to me that you are the one who has been carrying out an attack(on tiffany). Now you seem to allude to her being "folksy" in an attempt to deceive us illiterate district fivers........condescend much?
I've introduced positive projects and institutions that Tiffany has participated in. You are myopically focused on her perceived shortcomings.
Once again; Can you or anyone else here please tell me a positive contribution that another district 5 candidate has made?
I know you don't like Ms Hunt; So who do you advocate and why?
Give it a rest snorkle. I'm not responding to you any further, because it will be more of the same and not a true dialogue. Have a nice day.
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A true dialogue would be hearing something positive from you about a district 5 candidate. Any candidate.
Until then, you are right; more of the same.
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I can think of one positive contribution to our community that all the candidates in the district 5 race have made: they've offered their services to we, the people. Each one has made it clear that they are willing to try their best to represent the citizens of this district. I'd like for snorkle, and everyone in fact, to take a breath and try to remember that fact. And yes, snorkle, we all can see what you are trying to do. You might as well come out and ask, "Can anyone please tell me how many keiki surf contests any of the other candidates have hosted? How many film festivals any of the other candidates have organized?"
I'm not sure why you get to decide what criteria the rest of us must use to determine who will best serve the district. I think that Tiffany is a lovely person for having done all of those things you’ve listed. But Fred Blas did a lot of very nice things too, building parks and helping young boys play football, and yet he turned out to be not such a great council person. It seems to require a different skill set. Takes up a lot of a person’s time too, all those meetings every Wednesday. In fact, serving on the council would seriously cut into Tiffany's surf contest and film festival planning time, and I’d almost rather have her continue to do those sorts of things anyway.
See, I really don't want to support even a lovely, caring, and giving person who does not represent my views. Who seems blasé about geothermal safety and GMO labeling. Who seems very pro-business, especially when you're talking about her own businesses. Who seems to have a very thin skin, and a tin ear when it comes to appearance of impropriety or conflict of interest. These things are not tangible accomplishments, and yet they speak to her character. And that, I think, is another valid barometer upon which to judge a candidate for public office.
So I'd like to publicly applaud all of the candidates, just for tossing their hats into the ring. I will only be voting for one of you, but I appreciate the opportunity to consider each of you for this office. And in making my decision, I will consider your accomplishments, yes, but I will also consider your character, your sincerity, your honesty, your wisdom and your mettle. Mahalo to you all.
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I wish I could put my cynicism aside for a moment and really believe these wannabe politicians are in it to offer their services rather than something that's more self-serving, but that was a very refreshing post, DaVinci, and enjoyed reading it!
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Yeah, that was good.
Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.