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Groundbreaking - Pahoa District Park
There is a restroom between the ball fields at the concession stand, and one near the skate park.
How does that add up to one?
Plans show a restroom facility at each end of the new area. If the existing Community Center, pool, and Senior already have Handicap accessible restrooms to cover that end of the park, it would make more sense for the new restroom to be between the multi use fields and up by the covered play courts wouldn't one think? But plans are approved.

Community begins with Aloha
I take it back, there are two bathrooms, both quite far from what will be the most used part of the park an a day to day basis: the playground for little kids, who also have the shortest legs and smallest bladders. The restrooms by ball fields which are part of the concession stands will probably not be open all the time either.

They put the keiki playground in the very center of the park, equally far from all the bathrooms. Have any of these park planners ever taken a 3 year old to the park to play?


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
I have to admit that I haven't actually seen the plans, but the $54 Million price tag seems a bit high so I checked out the recently built Hilo Judiciary Complex in Hilo for comparison. The courthouse complex cost $92 Million.

Granted, the massive and impressive courthouse complex is already 5 years old and US dollars get cheaper every day but I can't imagine the new Pahoa Park addition will be half as impressive as that new Hilo Courthouse Complex.

I am guessing that someone(s) are going to profit with a helluva lot of "free speech" out of this deal and they will probably share some of that "free speech" with various politicians and bureaucrats who helped them get such a sweet deal.
10 million for the park, 42 million for insurance policy? maybe?
If the parking lot and keki playground area were reversed, would that work?
The article I am reading says 22.3 million.

That's 24% of the cost of the Venue of Xanadu building in Hilo.

The idea of an athletic facility is to try to take some of the Puna customers away from the Court House.
Now, some of the you-know-who apologists are going to come on here and claim this park happened all by itself, nobody knew about it and the county just concocted it to impose their intolerant totalitarian regime on Pahoa. Loons.

"This island Hawaii on this island Earth"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
Line # 14 of that West Hawaii Today link says $54 million projected so far to add 29 acres to the park. I see some bleachers, concession stand and a covered play area (and 2 bathrooms- probably concrete block).

Most of what I see in the mock up though is grass and some asphalt parking lots. Almost $2 Million per acre for some grass and asphalt.

Maybe the other 32 million is for art, and the necessary signs that explain to you that it's art and not a solid waste management site.
Pau Hana, the 4th to last paragraph in the link you pasted is
"The entire build out is expected to cost $54 million."
Similar to the third to the last paragraph in the Trib-Herald today:
"Both phases are expected to cost $54 million"

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