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I'm not getting channel 9 are you? (over the air)
You know, when I just tried I had no other devices turned on that were attached to the TV (i.e., a DVD player). I just turned on my DVD player and now can't get channel 9. I switched off the player and can get channel 9 again.

I have noticed this exact behaviour before if the signal I'm getting is weak with various channels, and assume it's some interference between the device and my indoor antenna. Terracore, I know you mentioned you have an outdoor antenna, but if you have other devices turned on that are near or attached to the TV, try turning them off and see if reception improves. The channel is definitely up at the moment but the signal is quite weak.
KGMD operates on RF VHF Channel 9. VHF has troubles like you mentioned, with interference. It's usually the lower channels that have that trouble, but 9 is kinda on the border line of where they start.
H22 - I learn something every day! However, I just repeated the experiment with the very same result, so suspect it's not just coincidence. What I don't know is where the interference is happening. Is it with my indoor antenna or with the cable or connection to the TV? Whatever it is, I do know it is worth trying switching off a nearby appliance. One of the telescopes we run on Mauna Kea has exactly the same problem; if someone tries to use their cell phone at the summit it can really screw up observations...
I'm still not getting channel 9. How is everybody else doing? I'm guessing I might need to adjust the antenna.
Ours has been in & out since you first posted... I do miss seeing the 9pm 10pm, my mind is no longer news worthy!
Not working here in lower HPP. Been out for about a week.
Same as macuu222 - not working in lower HPP right now, I just tried with various antenna positions. Channel 45 is also up to its usual tricks and has been for months now. It's up but for long periods of time just broadcasts a no signal message (to be clear, the no signal message is not from my TV, it's what is being broadcast) or it looks and sounds as if the signal is being broadcast by a machine gun.

Edited for typo.
We've noticed 9 being mostly off-air for about three weeks now. It will sometimes pop in around 6pm and then maybe 9pm for a few minutes. On the other hand, I work very early in the morning and have the news on in the background between 2-6am - every single morning I've clicked around channel 9 is there with their "paid program" scheduling...blah.


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