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is this a thing?
I've noticed that when we have a party, people show up early--like 30 minutes before the party is supposed to start.

Is that a thing here? It kinda makes me nuts, I'm never ready!

><(((*> ~~~~ ><(("> ~~~~ ><'> ~~~~ >(>
Put em to work Smile


Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times".
yeah, just as soon as I dry off and put some clothes on. Forget about combing my hair or primping...

><(((*> ~~~~ ><(("> ~~~~ ><'> ~~~~ >(>
That's crazy! [Smile]
I've never heard of fashionably early. That's not a thing.
I show up on time. I don't like to be early or late. So it's not a thing for me. lol

Dayna Robertson
At Home Hawaii
Real Estate Sales and Property Management
You have weird friends [Smile]
if the party starts at 8 tell them it starts at 8:30....
maybe its because 'hawaiian time' does not mean everything is 'late' or takes 'longer', but that time ceases ti exist. thus 2pm becomes 'sometime in the afternoon', 7pm is 'around sunset' etc. does that make sense?

thus 2pm becomes 'sometime in the afternoon'

This is a general psychology phenomena, not Hawaii-specific, just more pronounced here.

Researchers have found that making the time "more specific" causes people to take it more seriously.

Same principle applies to speed limits.

I've seen examples of both: "happy hour" from 6:19-7:21, a curve rated at "exactly" 21MPH, in both cases, people no longer treat these as "approximate" and behave accordingly.
Birchi - FYI - When you say " Hawaiian Time " this is derogatory to a certain ethic ,in our perspective,much nicer to say "universal time " with out the underlying ethnic slur.

Lee M-S perhaps if your party starts at 2,let folks know it starts at 2:30,so for the perpetual early birds,they will be right on time and you will be ready to greet them all with a smile and grace.

Life is a blessing.

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