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Maui mayoral race
Or wannabe mayoral race. This was mentioned on another thread suggesting that it would go viral. It appears to be spreading. This link to a short video of the "race" showed up on a friends FB page. I thought I'd share:
I'm sorry if you don't have FB but I couldn't find a direct YouTube link.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
LOL now that's some funny video. Why was the candidate hot footing it??

Edit to add: If the runner hadn't doubled back I think he could have outrun the somewhat overweight officer.

Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times".
This was covered on most of the news channels on Friday night. This one candidate does not follow some of the traffic regulations & was pulled over for talking on his cell. He drove away & went to the county building where he was for an hour. When he exited the building, the initial policeman spotted him, he ran, evading the initial policeman who used a taser to knock the runner down, just prior to responding police arriving on the scene.

There was a lot of media discussion of Friday involving:
1. was the taser necessary considering the traffic violation & responding police in area
2. was the initial policeman out of shape condition a factor in choosing to tase
3. why did the candidate drive away initially
4. why did the candidate run
1. was the taser necessary considering the traffic violation & responding police in area

The taser wasn't used for a traffic violation but for resisting arrest and to apprehend a fleeing suspect? I'm no legal expert but duh?

2. was the initial policeman out of shape condition a factor in choosing to tase

He caught the guy didn't he LOL

3. why did the candidate drive away initially

An idiot?

4. why did the candidate run

Run for office? Good luck with that Charlie!! or run from the officer? See answer to #3

Edit to add: It was rather nice to see a politician get tazed. A few more deserve tazing [Big Grin]

Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times".

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