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Feeling the heat
I watched a Japanese movie from the 1950's recently. One of the characters was a bald man working through the summer heat stuck inside a small shed on a fishing pier. He used a variation of the neck towel, he wore a small damp handkerchief on his head. Only works if your bald... though... given another few days of this weather it might be worth it.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
No sympathy. Currently here, at almost 9PM it's 88 with humidity of 53% a lovely 2MPH breeze (assuming you're not in the trees, which I am) and a heat index of 92 and a Hi/Lo of 94.8/76.3. I wish I was currently on my Ohia Estates lot.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Yeah, no sympathy here either. In PA it's common to go weeks of over 90 degrees with 80 to 100 percent humidity. And it doesn't cool down after dark.

The heat is actually one of the reasons I can't wait to move to Hawaii. The nasty winters I can take, the heat, not so much.
Interesting, Here on the Primal Edge (is there a short version of your name that you wouldn't mind?). I guess it is an old custom in Japan.

I'm sure it's miserable in Florida, no question about that. I think it's easy in general to downplay Hawai'i's heat using stats. I've lived in various places that were hotter than it is here, and as humid, but I was never so uncomfortable all around.

I think because the houses in those places were insulated and/or had coolers. Here I have nothing but the breeze, and a hot tin roof that turns house into a convection oven in the worst months.
I've found that since moving to Hawaii I have acclimated to the relatively small temperature swings here. I notice just a difference of a few degrees now (which is what we are experiencing -- just a difference of a few degrees). The other night I was watching 24 sitting perfectly still and I started sweating under the collar. I am pretty sure it was the heat, although I was also experiencing some discomfort at what the makeup artist has inflicted on Chloe O'Brian this season. What's with the catwoman eye makeup?

Anyway, when I had to go to America recently I got quite sick when I was exposed to wide swings in temperature outside and to interiors turned frigid from air conditioning. Tip: you have to wear clothing there. If you go into restaurants in Oklahoma or Texas you will need a jacket. Don't leave home without it.
Had chuckle with "you have to wear clothing there. If you go into restaurants in Oklahoma or Texas you will need a jacket"

Yesterday we were kicking back around Hilo Bay with a friend from 'the other side' after getting Found White Dog re-united with his family... wearing swim shorts & t-shirts & trying to figure out "where to eat tonight" None of us had been to Hilo Bay Café since they moved, so we went... no thought of "gee, are we dressed for this?" until I got home & realized we had just been to one of the more posh places on island, with it's wonderful new location... wearing swim trucks, t-shirts & rubba slippas! (of course we were seated back in the corner, but that was because we showed up at dinner hour without a reservation & the tables were booked up already...plenty of folks with reservations showed up in shorts & slippas)

Man I like this island style! (but I refuse to acclimate to a couple of degree temperature swing...I travel up to the mountain in my shorts & slippahs just to prove I still have that mid-western insane internal thermometer)
KathyH - As an old friend of mine used to say:

"You can call me anything, just don't call me late for dinner!"

But if you like, Primal Edge or abbreviating to HOTPE is fine.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
I don't mind the heat so much, as I do the sweat. When I'm getting ready to the leave the house and there is sweat pouring down my face I feel so gross! But hey, this is Pahoa, so I know I don't have to worry about that stuff too much. [Big Grin]
But when I'm working outside and sweating buckets, I feel like I'm accomplishing so much more than in the cooler months. At least I tell myself that is reason. Surely it's not because of the humidity. [Big Grin]
Shave ice - I share those sentiments exactly!

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