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Illegal Aliens are Arriving in Hawaii
Tens of thousands of Central American children and teenagers have crossed the border into the U.S. this year, saying they're fleeing gang violence and seeking asylum. "They're from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador," said immigration attorney Claire Hanusz.

She chairs the Hawaii Chapter of the American Immigration Lawyers Association. She said at least eight unaccompanied minors from Central America are now in Hawaii. Authorities sent them here to stay with relatives.

Message from a Former Border Patrol Officer
The video interview posted here is worth watching in its entirety. Zach Taylor is a 27 year veteran Border Patrol agent with supervisory experience. He has testified before Congress as an expert witness on criminal activity in wilderness areas. His message is credible. He accuses the federal government in a cover-up that is deliberately shielding critical information from the public.

The U.S. Govt assisting in allowing aliens in and spreading disease to our population. They only want you to see the children and show compassion for them, but find out who they are allowing in, and why you should be very concerned for your own children.
At this time, the border patrol will not get anymore ammunition until 2015.
[:0] You will be shock at what is really happening at the border. Listen and share

I read somewhere that the Texas and Arizona borders are scheduled to have Federally paid for border agents something like every 350 feet between the US and Mexico.

Got me to thinking. Hawaii has a lot of coastline and we could use some federal jobs. Island of Hawai'i probably has 600 miles of coastline and at 15 people per coastal mile that could translate into 9000 extra federal jobs on this island alone. Where are our congressmen and senators? Let's get our fair share of the immigrant watch.
Frankly I am more worried about the unimmunized American children whose parents are choosing to not immunize them because some celebrity told them not to.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Good Lord![:0] When I first read this title, I thought, "They've freaking landed in Kalapana". [:0]

Seriously, Steve1, what a great suggestion. It's election time, let's see what all of us can do to strongly suggest we get border patrol.

The amount of calls for rescue, missing people, drug runs, illegal use of harbors, not to mention, being the hub for our military in the Pacific, warrants some federal benefits.

President Obama has called the surge an “urgent humanitarian situation,” and lawmakers have called for hearings on the crisis.

Q. Where are the children going?

Q. What is being done to address the problem?
Mr. Obama urged Congress on July 8 to authorize $3.7 billion in emergency funds to bolster border security, hasten deportations and deal with the humanitarian crisis in Central America. Congressional Republicans pushed back, saying that the border crisis is a result of Mr. Obama’s policy problems and lax enforcement at the border. Republican lawmakers are pushing to amend the 2008 law, which currently makes it difficult to return the children quickly to their home countries.
Find out the answers here:
What are these --- little vampire demon children? I have never seen so many adults scared of little children -- not since that Twilight Zone episode where Billy Mummy killed whoever didn't let him have his way.

Wasn't it Jesus who was supposed to have said. "Suffer the little children, and forbid them not to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven".

Forgive me if I decline to quake in my flip-flops over eight South American children who are staying with relatives. I think that Hawaii can assimilate them. They will grow up doing the hula and eating Kailua Pork.

Let's not be like the denizens of Murietta -- a town in what used to be known as Alta California-- who turned back a school bus full of children who endured hardship and separation from their families only to look out the window and see the rabid and frothing face of Americans whose roots in this country, if you scratch a little, are probably pretty shallow. I say that as a guy whose roots in this country run very deep and disappear into the mists of the Smoky Mountains.

The border "crisis" is not new. America has a very long border that is difficult to defend. As far back as Reagan we have been addressing the issue in a number of ways -- none of them satisfactory. Now South America is devolving into criminality and awash with gangs and guns.

These children have a right to a hearing on whether they have a legitimate claim for asylum.

The very same people who are crying because we sent Elian Gonzalez back TO HIS FATHER are now screaming that we need to send all of these children back lest they give us cooties. Please be consistent in your choice of who is entitled to a better life.

The danger here is not cooties from children. The danger is something I first noticed during Katrina, when America looked at am American city and said to itelf: "Hummm....they should have left! Why didn't they get on buses?! Look, there's a guy stealing a television! These aren't people! Don't help them!" We looked on an American city and its inhabitants as if they were creatures from another planet or hapless and unfortunate contestants on a reality show. Our official response for 7 days was "Gee -- sure looks bad. Maybe the churches will bring sandwiches".

When you start looking at fellow human beings as something other than human beings, you begin walking down a very slippery slope. You end up shooting rockets at kids on a beach as happened elsewhere just last week. These South American kids were sent on a journey here because it was though that they could find a better life here.

Let's show them life is better here, that we value our fellow human beings, that we still have an ounce of compassion and let's give them a hearing before we toss them back into the slums of South America.

The solution to the greater problem is very simple: appropriate enough money to hire enough Border Patrol Agents to do a reasonable job of protecting the borders. Don't attach strings. You want controlled access across the border? Hire agents or build enough drones to ensure that.

And let's make sure we place on administrative leave any Border Patrol Agent who is mentally unbalanced enough to accuse the government of complicity in the border problem. That's like criticizing the VA for not providing adequate health care without giving the VA the money to hire more doctors and nurses.

And, by the way, let's not pretend the problem is new or that Hawaiian shores are in imminent danger of being overrun by diseased foreign children in outriggers.

Just in case though, I will sit out on the lanai tomorrow evening with a glass of wine and I will keep my eyes open. If any child makes it to the cliff and is able to climb up it, I will, of course, stamp on his hands and send him to his doom so I won't have to be so scared all the time.

"The U.S. Govt assisting in allowing aliens in and spreading disease to our population."

I think that's one of the most insulting comments I have ever seen on Punaweb. Not the worst, but pretty much up there.
These arn't all children,plenty hardened gangsters in the mix as well,not to speak of the undermining of the economy,we need to keep focused on the long term effect,after those "children"are in the country they'll have a hub for the rest of their families and soon there will be another few hundred thousand coming to take advantage of the free money they give them, I've seen this happen and it continues today. now its starting in Hawaii,you'll see,soon when your children have to compete with them for a job.Then it will be a different story....
Yeah, I was thinking the same! Here we go again, Kalapana! Smile Funny stuff. How does an illegal alien get an airline ticket with no green card or D/L? Plus they are going to have at least 800 bucks on them to fly over to hawaii a bit of spending money... I doubt many are flying over but maybe the government is handing out free airline tickets? Big Grin

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How does an illegal alien get an airline ticket with no green card or D/L?

You don't need a green card to get an airline ticket. All you need is a passport and a tourist visa. They can get passports from their home country. Then, you simply don't go home later. How do you think all those other illegals that are in Hawaii, from various island countries, got here?

The cost of a plane ticket may sound daunting to you, but remember that many of the Central American illegals are paying thousands of $ to the Coyotes to bring them in to the US.

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