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Candidate Eligibility
Carol quote:
"I did say that I am amazed that anyone associated with RJs campaign is throwing stones"

Amazed? Why would you be amazed? It was the stone that David threw that brought Goliath down. That stone, Carol, was the truth and it hit him right between the eyes.
Originally posted by csgray

If Sativa wants to drop a dime on Tiffany with the property tax office, she can do that, but it won't have any impact on her residency for voting or running for office, but it will probably cause her problems with the tax office.

It might all depend on whether or not one wants to make a legal case out of it. Now who would be determined enough to do that?
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Originally posted by csgray

Kathy H.
"Carol, are you seriously saying you don't care if your councilperson to be commits property tax fraud?"

Reread what I said, nowhere did I say that. I did say that I am amazed that anyone associated with RJs campaign is throwing stones, not the same thing at all.


Carol, yes you did say you were amazed, but when you replied, the topic at hand was an ethics violation. Instead of commenting on the ethics, you said the problem had no real bearing on candidacy, which was correct (or should be) in so far as the Charter is silent on lies a candidate has told to separate agencies.

You then referred to the potential tax problem as a problem affecting her personal life only, and with that you did convey your lack of concern with the tax issue as a factor in the campaign. You swept the ethics question aside and focused on RJ's tirade as if that somehow means she can't expose ethical issues.

It's not logical. A person in a glass house shouldn't throw stones if people are ignoring their glass house, because the act of throwing is going to draw attention and will draw fire on the glass house. But the ship has already sailed on avoiding fallout, so why should that prevent her from pointing out an ethics violation?

RJ blew up her own campaign by losing her temper. The question now is will Puna mauka elect Hunt or Paleka or Pueo? Do Puna voters think it is no big deal to benefit financially from an exemption you're not entitled to? I don't know about most voters, and I know you're not in her district.

But you are a teacher and active in the conversation, and I would expect you to come out clearly against an ethical stumble, rather than describing it as a non issue with the election and simply something between Tiffany and the Property Tax division.
KathyH quote:
"RJ blew up her own campaign by losing her temper."

Maybe RJ got angry cause she wasn't coached by a P.A.C.
Maybe she used words that she shouldn't have because she didn't have someone to write a script for her. Maybe she is angry because she has a sense of decency and righteousness that tells her that what is being done to her and the other candidates, by Tiffany Edwards Hunt, is wrong.

This campaign that Tiffany Edwards Hunt is running is not a moral campaign. Mrs. Hunt use this Comedy Roast not to be self effacing but to cut down the other candidates in the race. RJ finds it so morally disturbing that she lost her cool in trying to get her message out. So be it.

I believe that politics in Puna should not be "Pono" in name only but really stick to the truthful matters that effect us all here in Puna. Even though RJ's accusations upset people I still feel that what she said was the truth although her delivery was a little lacking.
I should not have to defend myself from someone reading into what I did say, things that I did not say.

The problem with reading between the lines is the reader is just making up what they think the person meant, instead of responding to what was actually said. Sativa clearly has an axe to grind with Tiffany, beyond the tax thing. You clearly do as well, just look at the thousands of words you've written against Tiffany on any and every thread that her name comes up. I don't have that kind of time, or desire to put out that kind of energy against another person in a small community.

I have already stated elsewhere what I think about Tiffany as a potential council person. Just because I am not on the attack over every aspect of a post, and make a comment about only one aspect of the situation, does not mean that I have no problem with other parts. Not all of us have the time to write a complete thesis every time we respond to a post, so we address the part of the post we have time for. For you to then say "But you are a teacher and active in the conversation, and I would expect you to come out clearly against an ethical stumble, rather than describing it as a non issue with the election and simply something between Tiffany and the Property Tax division." is you putting words in my mouth.

Not responding to some part of a post is not the same thing as supporting it, you should not assume any meaning in what people say or leave out beyond the words they actually wrote.

edited to respond more clearly

Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
csgray quote:
"Not all of us have the time to write a complete thesis every time we respond to a post"

So much for not writing a thesis! I hope you didn't spend too much of your precise time writing that response to KathyH. Talk about an "axe to grind." I think you are projecting, Carol.
Get a room ladies!
Carol, I'm not here to attack you. You've had several posts now to state what you do think about falsely calming an HO exemption, so be it, you're not interested in it.

I don't critique Tiffany because an axe appeared to grind out of nowhere. I do it because I feel extremely strongly that she behaves badly across the board. The roast and the exemption are just two more things illustrating why I took this position. I said at the beginning she is ethically challenged in the way she conducts her blog, and that she treats people badly. And if elected you will see more of it, much more.

Yes I feel strongly that she should not have run. She knew very well that if she ran people would scrutinize her. She filed a defamation case where she had to learn what our Supreme Court says is permissible and even encouraged in order to have free and healthy political discourse in this country.

I think your stance that I'm treating her badly because she's just a candidate in a small community is totally out of line. For a person to feel passionately about the outcome of a local race is totally in line with the spirit of our Constitution. The local race and community is indeed a place where we small individuals can feel able to make a stand, and you just keep trying to squelch anyone who doesn't conform to your idea of limited participation.

The "thesis" you mentioned was dashed off on my phone from a store in Hilo in about three minutes. As is this post. Stop implying it takes me hours and hours. Everything I post here is a short break from what I'm really doing. I type fast.
Claiming homeowners exemption for a house one does not live in is at the very least unethical. Cutting Ohia Trees on State Land and building on the cleared spots is at the very least unethical also. IMHO.
Aspiring Council Member Tiffany Hunt invited her good friend the aspiring Community Developer Graham Ellis to her roast. It seems birds of a feather really do flock together…leaving their droppings on everybody...
KathyH, Wow! You have a brilliant mind.

lo-ka-hi quote:
"Claiming homeowners exemption for a house one does not live in is at the very least unethical. Cutting Ohia Trees on State Land and building on the cleared spots is at the very least unethical also. IMHO. Aspiring Council Member Tiffany Hunt invited her good friend the aspiring Community Developer Graham Ellis to her roast. It seems birds of a feather really do flock together…"

I tried to hip Tiff to make her aware of this issue that was going down in my community that was involving Graham Ellis and the illegal cutting of Ohia trees on State land behind Belly Acres. Tiffany responded by saying that she was not going to cover the story because she liked Graham Ellis and her son goes to his summer camp. So much for being a newswoman.

Nothing is lost on me, I saw how BIC put into what they called, the 'Hawaii County Voters Guide', the longest letter to the editor I have seen in a while, written by Graham Ellis an accompanied by a clear picture of him, badrapping RJ and I because of our objection to the highly suspect "sustainable" bill 2274. If Tiffany gets elected I know she will run up special client interest legislation for Graham and others, like Kalani Honua, shes very cozy with them too and try an bring development into the Kehena Beach area. I say "try" cause it is not going to happen.

BTW it will be interesting if she and Ilgan win because she went out of her way to stalk him when he first assumed office.

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