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5,000 REWARD
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Puppy mill rewards

The Humane Society of the United States offers a reward of up to $5,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of a puppy mill operator for illegal animal cruelty. Persons wishing to phone in a tip are encouraged to call 1-877-MILL-TIP. Your information will be kept confidential.

Animal fighting rewards - END THE DOG FIGHTS IN HPP, and earn $5,00 for SAVING LIVES!

The HSUS also offers a reward of up to $5,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of anyone involved in dogfighting or cockfighting. If you have information about illegal animal fighting in your area, you can call HSUS's animal fighting tip line at 877-TIP-HSUS and your information will be kept confidential.
A no win situation that ends up bad to often on a small island. Very sad to see or be around the mistreatment or cruelty of animals. Yet going out of your way to look or get into other peoples problems or turning folks in because you THINK one is doing wrong is even sadder. Live and let live Oneself, you make your bed so sleep in it and don't spread your Cootie's. If your not happy were you are then try and make someone else happy.
Dogs kept outside scraping for food or territory is dogs nature before human interferance. Dogs kept inside sleeping in folks beds, eating off their tables, or watching crime T.V is not dogs natural ways of life. That can ruin a good dog for life and should also be a form of cruelty?. Many city folks do this to animals everyday like the pets are here for them.Maybe I got your message wrong, I hope so.

P.S. This goes for roosters too, they are fed, kept, and crow outside. If one does not like it move but don't look to cause others problems because of what happens in nature.
Are you actually suggesting you look the other way in the face of crime and cruelty to animals ???

Or you, like POG, didn't actually read the post before judging ?

This post clearly states all over it, multiple times, about dog fighting.
sad attitude and part of the problem in america. if more people spoke up and took their head out of the sand we all might be in a better place . speak up and make a difference
Originally posted by gypsy69... Dogs kept inside sleeping in folks beds, eating off their tables, or watching crime T.V is not dogs natural ways of life...

Shhhh! Dont tell my dog. He thinks we do this because we are his minions. Although he prefers Animal Planet to crime TV.
That is truly messed up, Gypsy69. Someone like you should never have the privilege of owning a dog. I have turned three people in to the authorities in the last year for abuse. Only one of them had their pet taken away. One got rid of his dog and the other dog died. We need stronger anti-cruelty laws, not ignorant apathy.
While it's true that:
Dogs kept outside scraping for food or territory is dogs nature

The same could be said about humans before we discovered the cultivation of grains and other crops. As hunters and gatherers we did our fair share of scraping for food.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
That is not really an accurate depiction of the nature of dogs. I've been working with dogs closely for 8 years as my full time job and I was born into a household with 3 large dogs and a father who rehabilitates dogs. People have this idea that wild dogs are just out there struggling to get by and killing each other. Yes maybe this can be true with domesticated dogs that have gone feral in the city, but dogs are pack animals by nature and have a strong sense of family. I have found that they take care of each other and often times other animals better than humans do in so called "civilized life". In fact in places where there are feral children there have been several cases of children who survived their earliest years because dogs were bringing them food. You can even see situations where dogs have adopted cats into their pack or baby deer. Now on the other hand dogs do have a definite hierarchy and if another pack member gets out of order. They may get physical in order to dominate but dogs aren't out there just murdering each other for food. They share food with each other as a way of defining the hierarchy in the pack but they don't kill over food very often. Dogs are very compassionate and forgiving. They have a natural and effortless appreciation for life that humans struggle to maintain. It is so easy for humans to see another humans life as being of lesser value and we project this perspective onto other animals but it is actually a quality of modern life that separates humanity from nature.

Why specifically HPP? Where??
Gypsy identifies with the cave man lifestyle. What a maroon! Evolve my son, evolve.

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