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Leilani Bronson Crelly - HD4
When Puna Democrats introduced a measure at the Hawaii County Democratic Party Convention in Hilo last May calling for the construction of a Puna Makai alternate route, Leilani Bronson-Crelly not only voted against it, she tried to get it tossed entirely. Thankfully, the body voted overwhelmingly to support the design and construction of a Puna makai alternate route.

Just posting for the's in the minutes of the convention, if anyone wants to check.
Originally posted by DaVinci

Thanks for digging though.

There was no "digging" involved.
Just being there and seeing what actually happened.
I was there too James. And I've spoken with Leilani and I know she does not believe that she was chair of your PMAR group. Freely admits that she was not chair, but she was a participant of that group. So we have established the fact that she did in fact volunteer her time for HPP. Thanks for conceding that point. And we now understand that you consider her participation a waste of your time, arguing "petulant matters." So she apparently did not agree with you, and therefore does not possess the proper judgement to represent Puna. I encourage you to vote your conscience, James, but kindly allow everyone else the same luxury? We're not all so narrow minded as to reject a candidate because she annoyed you at a few meetings. I hope against all hope that Leilani is petulant when she arrives on Oahu, and fights for us like a pit bull when debating matters in the House against the Oahu delegation or the Maui delegation, when they collectively decide that Hawaii County owes them energy because... skyscrapers! or that we ought to capitulate to agribusiness lobbying efforts. Better that than a lawyer with such stars in her eyes that she would swoon every time the AG spoke out against what the mere citizens of Puna want for their district.
Speaking of agribusiness vs organic, I noticed in the Hilo Natch today something called the "Organic Voter's Guide for the Big Island" endorsed Leilani Bronson-Crelly for State House District 4, saying she "supports GMO labeling." So there's that...
Also, Leilani may have opposed the PMAR as designated because she was then and remains now willing to discuss all the possible alternative routes out of Puna. Whatever is best for ALL of Puna, not just the proud people of HPP. Are you ready to discuss all the plausible options? Up to and including Railroad Ave from Hilo to Beaches? Or were your PMAR efforts designed to cut off debate regarding the expansion of a roadway that runs through the heart of HPP? Your back yard? Perhaps what seemed petulant to you was just a push back against what seemed self-serving to her?

[Edited to remove a snarky comment. My judgment abandoned me at the end, and James deserves more respect than my comment afforded, despite the fervor of our disagreements...]

[quote]Originally posted by DaVinci

So she apparently did not agree with you, and therefore does not possess the proper judgement to represent Puna.

Sorry, incorrect.
Editing this entire post because I misunderstood something...

James was making the point that he was at the HPPOA meetings. I misunderstood, thinking he meant the Puna Pono Alliance meeting. That's why I said I was there too.

So, to reiterate: I was not in attendance at any HPPOA meetings. I apologize for creating a misunderstanding in that regard. James was there, and can speak to the content of those meetings. I was not, and cannot. But I was in attendance at the Puna Pono Alliance meeting when Leilani spoke of her work in HPPOA, and I maintain that she did not intend to convey the notion that she was chair of the PMAR group. The transcript seems to indicate that, but there was a distinct pause in her delivery and that makes all the difference.

And thanks to my wife, who pointed out my error... mea culpa.
Aloha DaVinci,

Have only just gotten back online since last evening.
The farm take priority over everything Smile
It had occurred to me also what the miscommunication was about.

DaVinci - pure class from you. My faith in Punawebbers has been restored. Thank you!
Thank you, Tom.

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