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Critical Time for Puna - Vote - if you were unab
Sherry Bracken had her "Island Issues" program this morning, and naturally it was an interview about the elections results and commentary from folks who discussed related topics. So by now you have heard that large portions of lower Puna CC Districts were unable or didn't vote. The figure thrown out was around 6800 people, as a result their will be a run-off election in several cc districts as well as state races. Abercrombi was defeated soundly, while Schatz and Hannabusa were neck & neck , with something like 1600 votes more for Schatz,and locally Paleka and Hunt will face off, so it will be lower Puna that decides how this very critical election pans out to a large extent.
On Island Issues this morning Sherry mentioned that their would be mail in voting for those who were unable to, and desiring to vote.
What concerns me with this is that this voting will be considered "un - certified", She didn't address this issue any further.
This voting will decide much for Puna, and as well State wise, and with such close competition in what I consider extremely important
voting decisions, I urge all of you who were unable and want to vote to do so , even though many of you are, and will be picking up , and working on your property for awhile yet - I wish you all a speedy recovery and best wishes.
I will be voting for Hannabusa, and for will be voting for Paleka
for CC district 5
It is important, but there was going to be a runoff election for the non-partisan races in any case as no one was looking like pulling the 51%. The District 5 runoff has nothing to do with the precinct closure.

Why would there be a runoff in the State house race or the US Senate, in a primary? Doesn't the party candidate (in this case Democrat) with the highest number of votes go on to the General in any partisan race? Isn't it just that the absentee votes need to come in to determine who won the primary or in case of council Dist 4, who were the two highest votegetters?

Go Paleka and Schatz! [Smile]
It won't be a run off, but an opportunity for those people who are registered for the polling places that were closed on election day to mail in ballots if they did not mail in or vote early. See:

Rob L
Rob L
I assume that the 4th State Assembly District includes the closed polling places and that therefore Joy Sanbuenaventura and Faye Hanohano's vote totals are not final. Can someone confirm this?

Rob L
Rob L
Logically, I can.
4-01, 4-02 precients did not vote, therefore "4" can't yet be determined Final results.
This means the respective leaders are still susceptible to the vagaries of the publics whim. In order of importance;
Sen Schatz (Brian)
Councilman Illagan (Greggor)
Candidate SanBuenaventura. (Joy)

I've met them all and they are intelligent, public service oriented, and progressive in the best sense of the word. And, I might add, they all have a sense of humour...It happens that I support all 3 of these leaders...Go Team!
From the initial numbers, Hanohano seems to be in serious trouble. She is not popular in HPP and would have to get a large majority there to catch up to Sanbuenaventura, the leader. There will probably be a runoff in the council race, but I hope Ilagan somehow makes it back in without one.

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