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What have we learned from this storm. (Iselle)
what did I learn? GO solar! We were ALWAYS thinking about it. But we are more serious now than ever and this opened up our eyes to just how UNIMPORTANT and remote we are, Puna is pretty low on the bucket list. Listen this wasn't even hurricane status and if it was it was the LOWEST on the scale. Could you image how much worse it would have been if it was a cat 3 or 4??? And went up the chain causing massive damage to Hilo, Maui and Oahu? Can you guess what supplies would have been USED up first?

So... I have $ now to buy an Outback Charger and 3K watt Inverter. I'll be saying Bye Bye to Helco when I buy the Panels and Batteries in the second half. I already asked the Wife if going down from a 18CuFt refrigerator to a 10CUFT would be ok, and we will also be converting to a coldstone 500 Watt 12 Volt one.

We are so lucky it was a Cat 1/Tropical storm status and it only did damage to Puna side. Also, a chainsaw and small honda generator will be on hand as well.

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Consider propane for your fridge, hot water, stove and dryer whether you have HELCO or solar.
Me ka ha`aha`a,
Originally posted by Oneself

For the investment in a 6-10k watt generator, you could install a solar kit worth its weight. I think I will invest my money there. It sucks still not having power !

You might want to consider having both because the generator can help charge those batteries on grey days.
I learned, when moving stuff off the deck:
there's a coqui in every pot.

I learned, again, that no matter what is coming that requires a pet lockdown, hurricane, tsunami, whatever -- my cats will view all confinement in the house as evidence of a feline-targeting conspiracy with some terrible plot in place on my part such as taking them to the vet. No trust.

It was really funny then when I let the worst whiner out in the morning and she went bounding over the doorsill and got an eyeful of the destruction. She stopped dead in her tracks and her eyes bugged out and she scurried under the house.

That's as close as I get to OMG it really was for my own good. [Wink]

(sorry if this post is not serious enough)

1) A newer, modern computer UPS system goes dramatically up in smoke when hooked to a modern generator for the 6th time.

2) An automotive car battery charger is virtually useless on marine deep cycle batteries that are actually getting used.

3) When the refrigerator is getting warmer and warmer, don't blame the generator, look first to see if somebody has crammed so much stuff into the freezer that no cold air is allowed to come out of the vents. The fridge gets its cold air from the freezer.

4) You can pull a medium sized tree mostly out of the way from a road with your vehicle even if the roots are still attached.

5) Stores that have power may not have phone or data (i.e. no credit or debit cards accepted/cash only)

6) Your best defense is planning and preparation.

KathyH that cracked me up. I could just see her face!

Dayna Robertson
At Home Hawaii
Real Estate Sales and Property Management
As much as I care for native bird species, every Ohia is coming off my property, I'm buying a generator and a larger freezer.

Don't have to get that drastic.. just have them pruned down so they aren't as tall. They should "bush" up a bit and make the birds and the bees happy. Bees LOVE Lehua blossoms!

i learned i really hate cold, black coffee.
and that ohia can fall like matchsticks instead of breaking up like the albezia. i love my forest but lost about 15 trees causing big bucks in damage. i am going to see if they can be topped and grow again, i dont want to live on just lava but it was pretty scarey.

my biggest 'complaint' is that if there was a channel for emergency broadcasting, it should have been included in some of the civil defense messages. i had a great little wind up radio but i had to listen to hours of ball games, country western, religious,hawaiian, etc. to hope to catch a little info. after the first day info became very scarce, even though many of us were (and are) without power.
be in control of all your utilities....
go solar, go propane stove, fridge, water heater, etc. Battery power water pump, water catchment.

grid tied solar panel systems are NOT offgrid (not self sustained), they are useless in a disaster...

or at least buy a generator for a couple hundred $$$....

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha

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