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Special Meeting HPPOA Board 2pm 8/16
The HPPOA Board has called an emergency meeting today, August 16, 2pm.
Evidently the agenda will be about how they dealt (or not) with matters regarding the storm...

All HPP owners: PLEASE try to attend
Can someone take notes
Now there's a quick response to a disaster if I ever saw one lol...
Daniel Hanmer
Thanks for posting this, I'm prepping for school at the Tin Shack but think I will mosey on over and see what they have to say for themselves. I hope the chair has read Roberts rules by now and knows how to actually run a meeting, last time was embarrassing to watch.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Screaming match...meeting stopped and moved to library because of lots of yelling from the members and from one of the board members . The board member kept shouting "shut up". She is the one who is on 13th dead dens off Maku'u. Completely awful behavior from a board member. What a circus.
Receivership, anyone?
Does anyone have a list of current board members or even know where I can find one? I think the HPPOA website is out of date but not sure? Mahalo!

This has current info:
Thanks James!
If the new board is as out there as people make them out to be. I'm starting to worry about the several Million dollars in the association accounts.

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