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Kind of F#$ked
Ive actually kenneled my dog there before, and they are very good.

I have options, all with various levels of expenditure. I am trying to avoid adding even more costs that I have incurred buying this house as is.

Im just whining. As I said before, I know there are plenty other people with no power still.
Also many with major damage to their house, and some with no house left, so yah, it is best to look at the positives, and realize that for many of us, this storm has had it's costs.... (for us, luckily no real damage except to a few wonderful loaded fruit branches, but we have incurred expenses in helping others, really hate to see next months electrical with supplying ice blocks & showers... and DH used precious vacation time to ferry ice and water and supplies, rather than working on our home renovation... but we do feel blessed, that we had had the time set aside & that we could help others)

On the plus side, if your contract and closing date do get pushed back, so are your in the long is more of a wash in expenses... luckily, there seems to be no real damage to the house ( right now you do not know if the electrical system took a hit from the live wire down...)
So far I've had to put up around 6k more than expected for various reasons on the house.

Not the end of the world, as you mentioned some have it worse.

Ive had all the tress cleared and lines open, so HELCO just has to connect the wires to the house again.

Just wish there was something I can do.
It is the " Yes But " syndrome.
Oneself - you ask questions,people on this forum give suggestions and you say " Yes But "

1st you want a fence,then you want pavement to your house,then you want county water and faster internet,then you want better cell phone reception.
Now you want your Helco line fixed to your house pronto so you can close escrow.
So many here,have no phone,no power,no water,no refrigeration,tree's demolished their homes and every one is suffering mightily .
Now you have put 6K into your maybe home that is in an extended escrow situation,which is common here,and now you have 2 dogs and full time jobs and may be homeless like the thousands of others.
Go rent a room at Reeds Bay on banyon drive for a month and quit grumbling .Put your stuff in storage.
Or start helping out the thousands here with nothing left but the cloths on their backs that have no lua and no food and no home and no money.
We are all suffering and you have the gall to do the "Yes But" syndrome.
Nuf said
Ive waited almost 3 weeks and said nothing. I full understand there is people without power still that are living in the homes, I was out power almost a week myself.

My company and myself donated plenty to those without food or ice. My wifes company donated 10,000lbs of ice. WE cleared our home of everything canned, bottled or boxed we had and donated it.

You shouldn't judge peoples character when you know nothing of it.
The have nots and the have gots syndrome.
We who can have donated everything we can,if you have then gratis to you and your employers .
You still want power fixed to your home in escrow,ahead of the thousands who have nothing left .
Good idea,go down to Helco and let them know who you are,and what the situation is about your escrow situation and make sure you call that person daily to see when they will come and fix your power to your home in escrow.
We have an uncle who is management there and i am sure if you speak cordially with him and explain in detail whats up,he will make sure you are top priority above every one else.
In the mean time,rent a room at Reeds Bay on banyon drive for a month and be happy to meet new people along your path of adventures from mainland to hawaii the island.
I think the single most frustrating experience I've ever had was the long drawn out and illogical process of closing on our house here, so I do understand your frustration. Try to just keep taking deep breaths and focus on the fact that in 6 months you will be in your new home and this will all seem like a bad dream.

I know it would be hard to do, but I would put the dogs in a good boarding facility with daily visits, put my stuff in storage, and find an affordable short term place in Hilo or Puna for the duration. Then you will have a safe place for you, your stuff, and your dogs.

I know if it was us, the dogs would be the biggest concern since they are "dependent members of the family" who can't take care of themselves.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Maybe if you changed the title of the it implies far more than an extended escrow (as you realize by now that is very common here....we had a cash offer on HPP land that was extended over 2 months...we finally had to allow the land to go, even though we had already paid for a survey... and the house that we finally did buy was 2 weeks extended, even though we had a full cash offer...title company did not get everything in on time....

So what most are telling you here:
It is very common for a contract to be extended, and you have many options, but no, you really aren't kinda f'd....unless you can look at most every land & home owner on island as kinda f'd when they buy property here. Kinda f'd is when there has been damage that the seller will not fix, no way, no how & the bank will never close on it after you have put in money

BTW - NEVER spend money on a property that is not yours, unless you can afford to lose it...for us losing the cost of the survey hurt, but we wanted to be sure that we were purchasing the lot that we thought we were... if you have put in $6K on this property already and you do not own it & there is always that chance it will not close....yikes!
mimosa, We dont get a long. I think your a tool bag, and you don't like me either. Why don't you do me a favor and mind your own business.

For some one who wants to preach righteousness, its awful ironic that you are always trolling my posts. Don't ya think ?
Maybe talk to the owner of the home if possible not the real estate agent. He accepted your offer, he's not selling the house to someone else with the downed wire and all. Ask him to rent it to you till the closing. Maybe you move in with no power maybe you wait a month to close. Then you move once and when you need to. Last I saw HELCO was claiming only 1200 without power so it probably gets done soon anyhow. They just won't tell you when or act like they care about you more than anyone else. Cause they don't, and they don't want Joe Blow down the street hearing that you called and they came and fixed you up cause your closing on your house, and he's been calling that number and they aren't fixing his. Good luck, Things like this seem to work themselves out so keep that good attitude, look outside the box for solutions. Then remember in the words of the great Tom Petty( Sure as night will turn to day- Most things I worry about never happen anyway)

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